Influenced by the writings of Fernand Braudel and Immanuel Wallerstein (historians who helped establish a tradition of global comparative history), large numbers of Japanese intellectuals are beginning to realise that a global economic system existed in the areas around the Indian Ocean, the Arabic Sea, the South China Sea, and the East China Sea long before the westernisation of the world.
The jellyfish spawn along the coasts of the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea (see map in article) and some drift towards Japan.
It has suspended talks on the joint exploration of gasfields in the East China Sea as well as over increased flights between the two countries.
ECONOMIST: A row over disputed islands goes from bad to worse
Beijing also offered help to its neighbor acrosss from the East China Sea.
FORBES: Russia to Boost Energy Supplies to Japan After Quake-Ria Novosti
China has called off a scheduled round of talks with Japan over the exploitation of gasfields under the East China Sea.
New Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants to expand U.S.-Japanese security ties, and Washington can help defend Japan's interests in the East China Sea.
In the southern Japanese town of Yatsushiro, not far from the East China Sea, Chikashi Matsunaga is helping lead a quiet revolution in Japan's agriculture.
About half of all US troops based in Japan are stationed in Okinawa, which lies south of Japan's main islands in the East China Sea.
Japan's defense ministry said a submarine was spotted by a P-3C Maritime Self-Defense Force patrol aircraft Sunday night passing near Kume Island in Japan's Okinawa Prefecture in the East China Sea.
WSJ: Japan on Alert Over Submarines Near Its Territorial Waters
Beyond the capital, rugged Alpine mountains rise to the north and west, the Pannonian plains stretch off towards Hungary in the east and the the Adriatic Sea lies to the south.
They were open to all free-born, Greek-speaking males, attracting athletes not just from the Greek mainland and surrounding islands, but also from the most far-flung Greek colonies, everywhere from Iberia (Spain) in the west to the Black Sea in the east.
They briefly talked about the South China Sea and the East Asia Summit at the end of that -- because it was a short meeting.
Their Dornier 288 plane tracked the edge of the plume over East Anglia and the North Sea, and towards the Dutch coastline.
BBC: Flight ban 'not over-reacting' say Wiltshire scientists
The J-11B is expected to be used by the Chinese navy as its frontline fighter, capable of sustained combat over the entire East China Sea and South China Sea.
Under Hal Kvisle, who started as chief executive in September, Talisman is taking a more conservative financial approach and will focus on three core areas - the Americas, South East Asia and the North Sea.
But the first waves of marine wind farms are being built in shallower water, nearer consumers, to the east of England and in the Irish Sea.
The oil spilled into the sea in north-east China after two pipelines exploded on Friday night, resulting in a fierce fire.
The company was founded in 1976 and has operational bases in the UK, Middle East, the Netherlands, Caspian Sea, Brazil, West Africa and the Gulf Coast of the United States.
Considering the Peabody Essex Museum's origins in the 1799 founding of the East India Marine Society by Salem sea captains, the 2001 gift of the collection to this museum seems especially appropriate.
Both want a healthy world economy, a stable Asia, peace in the Middle East, open sea lanes, a limit to proliferation, an open trading system, and so on.
About 275km further south, after Highway 1 swings east towards the Sea of Cortez, the road reaches the town of Loreto, home to some of the most beautiful and unspoilt beaches in Baja.
The coast east of Nice falls so steeply to the sea, that in a more peaceful or less sun-obsessed part of the world it would have been largely shunned by man.
The 14 passengers and two crew were returning from BP's Miller platform when the helicopter crashed in the sea, 11 miles north-east of Peterhead on April 1.
Dr Kato's team has already tested the system successfully in the sea off Ofunato, in the east of the country, and a new system will be placed off Muroto promontory, in the west, early next year.
ECONOMIST: New ways of tracking these killer waves may help save lives
Mr. RUPP: Well, east up by the Red Sea is perhaps the poorest region of Sudan, and there is a feeling that at least some of the tribes in that area have been excluded from discussions, and the concern on the part, I think, of the Sudanese government as well as others of us that there--that could be a next area of conflict.
The south-east corner of Britain is gently subsiding while the sea is rising, as it warms, so the relative level of the sea is increasing.
Sailing along the coast of Siberia by the north-east passage, or Northern Sea Route (NSR), as Russians and mariners call it, cuts the distance between western Europe and east Asia by roughly a third.
So too is the hope that the North-East Passage above Russia, also known as the Northern Sea Route (NSR), as well as the North-West Passage from the Atlantic over the top of North America, will become navigable for several months each summer.