"Improvements made in theelderlypatient care facilities will ensure safe, sustainable and quality care on a continuous basis and will enhance thepatient experience, " she added.
In an interview last year with City and State, Mr. Katz said he agreed to dispose of a dead German Shepherd as a favor to an elderlypatient and dumped the body after the clinic that was supposed to receive it was locked.
But Professor Peter Weissberg, medical director at the British Heart Foundation, said prescription of statins in theelderly should be driven by clinical judgement and patient consent rather than by targets.
"There might always be the occasion where we've got a child not breathing or someone in cardiac arrest or an elderlypatient with chest pain that needs that response, " Mr Brown added.
There may be anecdotal cases of families insisting on heroic measures to keep an elderlypatient alive. (There may be counter anecdotes of wanting to get Grandma out of the way before her money is all spent).