First, the electronic media, in particular, has been neglecting necessary context in their reports to the public.
Indeed, for every pared-down presentation pumped out by the electronic media, an engaging narrative can be found.
As I say, there is no criticism of Putin in the electronic media.
They also emphasized the independent and balance role of Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority in ensuring monitoring the issues of spreading hate speeches in the electronic media.
While newspapers remain important as a source of information (they reach over sixty million people each day) nationally, the electronic media has now become dominant.
What should be the rules about what newspapers and the electronic media may do, how, and who can complain in what manner when they have done so?
As well as providing new internet space, officials in Brussels hope the new domain name will help promote the identity of the EU itself on the electronic media.
"I will use the written word, the spoken word and whatever I can in the electronic media to deliver health messages to this country as long as people will listen, " he promised.
The electronic media, which has greater outreach in a country like Pakistan with its low literacy rate, totally ignored the news except in their early morning bulletins which broadcast the news quoting the New York Times report.
The participants agreed that the media community in Macedonia should be mobilised in order to create a broad platform to introduce self-regulation in the press, electronic media and the Internet, following the best European practices and respecting the professional standards and ethical values of the media.
Press kits will be sent to the print and electronic media in the Andean countries, as well as distributed through the National Commissions.
The only urban legend here appears to be the conclusions of the study itself, which was widely touted in the print and electronic media as proving the superiority of the U.S. FDA to its European counterpart in approving cancer drugs.
FORBES: Media White-wash Flawed Study Of Cancer Drug Approvals
Maybe Globish is just a worldwide pidgin, but the ease of modern travel and the huge reach of electronic media have vastly increased the kinds of interactions now possible.
And so, the disposability of electronic media is actually something that makes book people sad, but book readers happy.
ENGADGET: John Hodgman on the death of publishing and being a Mac trapped in a PC's body
" After the Death of Childhood: Growing Up in the Age of Electronic Media", by David Buckingham, Polity Press, 2000.
" No Sense of Place: The Impact of Electronic Media on Social Behavior", by Joshua Meyrowitz, Oxford University Press, 1986.
Another film screening focused on user-generated content and the various angles which can be adopted through the use of electronic media.
And at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) held in Los Angeles earlier this month, Payton Hills of the Cleveland Browns, Clay Matthews of the Green Bay Packers, and Ray Lewis of the Baltimore Ravens took the stage during an Electronic Arts media briefing to introduce the Madden 12 video game.
The International Conference on TV Broadcasting in Uzbekistan was organized on 23 and 24 October in Samarkand by the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis (Uzbek Parliament), the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), and the Uzbek National Association of Electronic Media and National TV and Radio Company, with support from UNESCO.
Like other paper-based distribution businesses, such as newspapers and magazines, demand for greeting cards have been negatively impacted by the proliferation and growing popularity of electronic media distribution.
FORBES: Higher Prices Still In The Cards For American Greetings
While FOIA was recently amended to take into account the internet and emerging forms of electronic media, there is still no case law on how specifically to treat bloggers , but from what you have presented to us, we agree with your assessment that this organization is not a representative of the news media.
FORBES: IRS Looking at When Bloggers Can Be Considered Part of News Media
His question involved Gen Y and the idea that all of their electronic gadgetry and heavy use of social media may be affecting the texting generation we so unimaginatively refer to as Gen Y.
And for the more flamboyant, there are dresses implanted with electronic displays that project your latest social media updates onto the fabric.
That was why electronic media, from Al Jazeera to the internet, were so vital.
Mr Murdoch says that some media firms, at least, will be able to navigate the transition as advertising revenue switches from print-based to electronic media.
ECONOMIST: The future of journalism: Yesterday's papers | The
Kumi Okoe, a Japanese television commentator and fellow at Washington's Heritage Foundation, said every one of Japan's electronic and print media outlets has a team on the campaign trail.
WSJ: The Boys on Le Bus: Foreign Press Mines Local Angles in U.S. Primary
Moreover, as methods of news delivery evolve (for example, the adoption of the electronic dissemination of newspapers through telecommunications services), such alternative media shall be considered to be news-media entities.
Directs the NDC to develop solutions to challenges posed by electronic records, special media, and emerging technologies.
As I write, media makers are frantically trying to keep up with the electronic introductions and invitations to unveilings.
The second electronic device may be a portable electronic device, such as a digital media player, that includes a voice user interface.