Much later the Graham family remembered that another preacher had prayed that out of Charlotte the Lord would raise up somebody to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth, and that is exactly what Billy Frank Graham has been doing for the past 63 years.
In a light-hearted moment, he said his fellow cardinals had gone to the "ends of the Earth" to find a bishop of Rome.
Within hours, the minor transgressions and innocent mistakes, the private behavior and anxieties of ordinary people can reach, or seem to reach, the ends of the earth.
CNN: Nurse death sparks outrage, casts glare on 'shock jocks'
"But we will go to the ends of the Earth to see justice is done, " he said.
Pope Francis has urged his cardinals "to find new ways to bring evangelisation to the ends of the Earth".
Wall Street now reaches the ends of the earth, with power to match.
It is often said that you do not need to travel to the ends of the earth to find a good story.
In his opening address on Wednesday night, Pope Francis joked that his electors had travelled "to the ends of the Earth" to find their new leader.
Meanwhile, giants like Sony are now hunting down pirates and hackers to the ends of the earth, and piracy continues to be a major concern for the entire industry.
"We will go to the ends of the Earth to identify the subject or subjects who are responsible for this despicable crime, and we will do everything we can to bring them to justice, " Mr DesLauriers said.
Rather, over the last 29 years, WrestleMania has become one of the most well-attended entertainment events, with over 100, 000 people traveling annually from all ends of the earth to support their favorite WWE stars.
While from the ends of their elegant stalks pineapples nodded encouragingly, sweet potatoes and yams peeped from the earth, and great hands of bananas reached down to them.