The Energy Department, which had been expecting increasing emissions, began lowering its forecasts in 2009.
WSJ: Rise in U.S. Gas Production Fuels Unexpected Plunge in Emissions
The Energy Department warns heating costs could jump up to 38 percent from a year ago.
ACEEE's scorecard draws heavily on data supplied by the Energy Department and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Experts are scanning the detail of the consultation document published today by the energy department.
Kenneth Adney worked for more than 25 years as a scientist for the Energy Department.
The industry and the Energy Department say that would make SMRs a good choice for small utilities.
In rigorous testing, the Energy Department said, the bulb had a useful lifetime of more than 25, 000 hours.
WSJ: The Digital Solution: The Brightest, Most Efficient Bulbs
The Energy Department reported Thursday that crude supplies in the U.S. grew by 4.1 million barrels last week.
Even if Chu can zap the energy department's lethargy, the open question is how many shovels will be ready.
Yet by early 2010 the Energy Department had rejected the company's initial application.
Which, come to think of it, is exactly the debate raging already between the energy department and the Treasury.
And last year, the company signed an agreement with the Energy Department to build clean coal plant near Orlando, Fla.
The Energy Department's recent announcement is a strong signal that more power lines will likely soon be on their way.
The Energy Department is giving state officials and other interested groups 60 days to weigh in on its designated zones.
The energy department DECC originally planned to fold the issue of gas into its over-arching Energy Bill published last week.
BBC: Gas-fired power stations to be encouraged by government
The Energy Department contracts out day-to-day operation of the country's nuclear labs to the University of California and Lockheed Martin Corp.
The Energy Department has long claimed that its loans were made on merit, and that in this case merit won out.
The Energy Department quickly tried to calm the markets today with a promise to provide oil from the country's emergency stockpile.
He also wants the Energy Department to release the 2 million barrel petroleum stockpile in the Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve.
The irony is that the law that created the loan program specifically bars the Energy Department from taking a junior debt position.
The Energy Department says the cuts would postpone work at the department's highest-risk sites, including the Hanford Nuclear Reservation near Richland, Wash.
The Energy Department released its weekly survey of gasoline prices this afternoon.
Ervin says the comment period "balances the need" for the Energy Department to carry out its responsibilities while giving the states a voice.
The FBI and the energy department's inspector general office raided the company and the homes of several of its executives on 8 September.
FERC, the Energy Department and various key congressmen, have accepted the argument that there should be some sort of compensation for stranded costs.
Now, to help businesses operate at less cost, the Energy Department will develop new manufacturing processes and materials that use half as much energy.
The Energy Department now reports that with the current technology that the United States has access to 1, 744 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
Across eight states, about 322, 000 customers remained without power as of Sunday morning, the Energy Department said, down from a peak of nearly 670, 000.
Even with the Energy Department's designated transmission zones, the idea is that utility companies will first seek approval from state authorities to site a power line.
But the Energy Department estimates that electricity from a carbon-capturing plant with sequestration will cost 8 cents to generate one KWH in today's money by 2016.