Behind the hall, a 17m marble carriageway carved with dragons leads up to the entrance.
This was once the entrance to a major port after the Phoenicians settled here in 654 BC.
Today, the entrance to the San Francisco mayor's office is flanked by busts of Feinstein and Moscone.
The entrance however leads to an Aladdin-like marketplace of high-end Africana craft stores, art galleries and musty bookstores.
NPR's Deborah Amos reached the entrance to the camp today and she joins us now.
In true Bai fashion, Mr. Ye further enhanced the entrance by adding two side structures.
Near the entrance to the museum sits a black mound covered by a clear plastic dome.
Fort Bovisand in Plymouth was built on the mainland to defend the entrance of Plymouth Sound.
The Association of Quality Education (AQE) organises the entrance exams for other non-denominational grammars.
As you descend, the view cracks open to reveal the entrance to the gorge.
"All visitors much check in with security, " a sign at the entrance to the property read.
Gossiping in the car, they absently drove past the entrance and turned in the next driveway.
Paul Jacobs, CEO of Qualcomm, stepped up to the entrance with his small entourage.
But for consumers, the entrance of a third major competitor would be only good news.
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When you receive an e-mail the avatars appear at the entrance to the hotel's pool.
The guard at the entrance let me through, barely glancing at my expired identification card.
An extension over the entrance was endorsed by those attending a public meeting in Beaminster.
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As schools continue to empty, grammar schools are admitting children who failed the entrance exam.
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But at the entrance to the protest camp several passing locals shouted support from their cars.
The urns were found at the entrance to a late Iron Age defended settlement.
Irritating displays of supposedly barbecue-friendly foods are removed from the entrance areas of supermarkets.
You start at the entrance, and finish the level when you get to the exit.
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Land's End managers said the name was in Cornish and other languages beside the entrance.
Police block the entrance to her lakeside home in Yangon, formerly known as Rangoon.
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At the entrance gate I witnessed a tiny power struggle, a microcosm of bigger things afoot.
The dean has asked the activists to move on from the area by the entrance.
Now, anyone willing to pay the entrance fee can experience this extraordinary palace.
Hence the title of the book, named appropriately after the entrance road to Apple Headquarters, Infinite Loop.
Panels around the entrance walls commemorate former worshipers, including the antislavery crusaders William Wilberforce and John Newton.
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Hadden Construction has been refurbishing the school kitchen, building a medical room and extending the entrance hall.