All that being said, War of the Fallen is one of the better card battlers out there in terms of style and polish, on par with titles like Dark Summoner.
Uprooted trees line the streets and fallen fences surround the one-story homes, some with shredded patios or roofs blown off.
The re-enactment was an exercise to pay tribute to the fallen and educate the living about one of Canada's most important episodes, said its supporters.
Since the 1970s the number of men and women marrying in their 20s and early 30s has fallen sharply, which is one of the main reasons the birth rate has fallen so low.
Six previous times the Irish had played Connecticut in the tournament title game and had fallen in each one, including the previous two.
"The system failed all of us again, " she said, adding that her family grieved for the fallen firefighters -- one of whom her two daughters knew from school -- and Cheryl Spengler.
The Britishutility Powergen, for one, has fallen 40% in the last year, pushing the dividend yield to 8.8%.
Mr Barroso was given the job only after all the other candidates had fallen away in the face of objections from one side or another.
I'm not the only one who has fallen for Taipei's newfound appeal: Last year, British consulting firm ECA International ranked it sixth among Asia's most livable cities, ahead of Seoul and Kuala Lumpur.
By 2011, the number had fallen to a little over one in three -- nearly what it was at its lowest point before the 2001 attacks.
Two of the creatures appeared to have fallen through the wall of a nest, and one was asking the other for help, assessing possible injuries to its spine.
It currently looks like we will come in at the low end of, or slightly below, the financial guidance we issued to the Street, and we have fallen short of the internal operating plan we set one year ago.
Since 2000 the number of jobs in establishments open for less than one year has fallen much faster than the number of establishments themselves.
But Zynga, like so many developers, has fallen victim to the idea that one game format is all you need to succeed.
It means despite the ageing population the numbers getting help has actually fallen in the past five years, leaving an estimated one million without any help.
However, it currently looks like we will come in at the low end of, or slightly below, the financial guidance we issued in January, and we have fallen short of the internal operating plan we set one year ago.
In the United States, one of the worst offenders, water use has actually fallen steadily for 20 years.
At the risk of over-interpreting the figures, it is still fair to point out that the overall engagement index - the one highlighted at the top of the survey - has fallen sharply since 2010.
The implied yearly cost of borrowing had fallen to 4.17% at one point, before news of the Senate results arrived.
Second, Germany relies on exports, not spending at home: the home market is one of the few places where sales of Mercedes cars have fallen this year.
It added that demand for cars in Europe had fallen by one million in the past year.
The vignette that unfolded was one of fallen angels and femme fatales.
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Alcohol-related deaths in Scotland have fallen, but the rate is still one of the highest in western and central Europe, an NHS report has said.
Had I fallen victim to the belief that all one can do during a slump is stand idly by wallowing in distraction, I may have never gotten this far.
Increasing availability of finance is creating more competition among lenders, and as a result interest rates have fallen in the past year by about one percentage point in Europe's most popular markets, the U.K. and Germany, Mr. Daubeney said.
"There's a few key issues that keep coming up and one is the issue of fallen stock, so how to deal with our dead animals and that's something that's quite expensive, so that's one of the areas I'm bringing to the executive on Thursday, " she said.
BBC: NI agriculture committee holds emergency weather meeting
The year to date has been a rough one for the agricultural company, as its shares have fallen 44.1% since January.
We recognized the value of having one of us there to pick Connor up when has fallen on the playground.
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The latest forecast from the Fraser of Allander Institute said one strength of the Scottish economy has been that productivity has not fallen.