The Field Poll was conducted of 990 likely voters in California between Oct. 27 and Oct. 31 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.2 percentage points.
The Field Poll said that at the end of October, Gore led Bush by 47 percent to 40 percent, compared to a 50 percent-to-37 percent lead he enjoyed in California at the start of the month.
The actor may have oodles of media coverage, economic advice from Warren Buffett, a wife from Kennedy stock and an astute campaign team inherited from Pete Wilson, the last Republican governor of California, but the Field poll gives him 25% of the vote, five points behind Mr Davis's far-from-electrifying deputy, Cruz Bustamante.
The latest Field Poll in California showed Kerry with a 40-point lead over Edwards in the Golden State.
In the new Field Poll for California, 64% of African-Americans and Asian-Americans and 56% of Hispanics now support same-sex marriage.
The latest field poll shows Clinton leading Obama 3-to-1 among California Latinos.
Previously seen as proof of his moderation, Mr Davis's close ties to business are one reason why Californians are suspicious of him: the latest Field poll shows that 50% of likely voters regard Mr Davis unfavourably, and only 39% favourably.
Mr. GEORGE RASLEY (Spokesman, Deborah Pryce Campaign): It's self-evident that there is a Foley effect, if it's, you know, all Foley all the time on all the channels when you're in the field for a poll.
Most of Qatar's leading families did not take the poll seriously enough to field any candidates of their own.
Mr. Weiner is the best-known politician in the still-unsettled Democratic field, a poll conducted by NBC New York and Marist College found.
WSJ: Democratic Voters Favor Best-Known Mayoral Candidates in Early Polls
As for the Roswell incident, nearly two-thirds of the respondents to the poll said they believed that a UFO crash-landed in a field outside the New Mexico town 50 years ago next month.
Our latest IBOPE Zogby interactive poll has Cain leading the GOP field at 38%.
That poll found Ahmadinejad leading the four-candidate field with 34 percent support, while Moussavi trailed with 14 percent.
Our 2007 phone poll had former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani leading the field at 29%.
But a Field poll in June found California voters equally divided on the Draper initiative, with 39% on either side and the rest undecided.
In May, a Field poll gave Ms Boxer a slim lead, with 47% of the vote to his 43%.
With Mr McCain at one end of the spectrum and Mr Buchanan at the other, the risk for the rest of the Republican field is that of appearing to be either intellectually uncertain or a fence-sitting poll-watcher.
The poll asks academics to nominate no more than 15 of the best institutions in their narrow field of expertise, based on their experience and knowledge, making it a rigorous global measure of academic prestige.