He used an emergency code to get in, to find the first officer unconscious.
The first officer on Air Canada flight 878 from Toronto to Zurich, Switzerland, was tired and needed a nap.
With the captain's permission, the first officer drifted off for a few Zs.
Botha, the first officer on the scene of the Valentine's Day shooting, handed in his resignation Wednesday, Malila said.
Watada, who is not the first officer to refuse to deploy to Iraq, is the first to be court-martialed.
When the captain lost consciousness, the first officer took over and piloted the aircraft to the closest airport, he said.
Mr Roberts, 49, is the first officer from Isle of Man to rise through the ranks and take up the position.
That's when he found the first officer asleep, according to the report.
CNN: Dutch 737 pilot locked out of cockpit while co-pilot sleeps
The first officer saw a bright object ahead of the plane -- the planet Venus -- and mistook it for the approaching C-17.
While the nap is supposed to last no more than 40 minutes, the first officer slept for 75 minutes and woke up feeling unwell, the report states.
Outside, the first officer to encounter Holmes -- who was still dressed in body armor, a helmet and a gas mask as he stood near his car -- described him as unnaturally relaxed.
But the first officer, still believing that the object in the sky above him was the cargo plane, initiated a dive to avoid the perceived imminent collision -- sending the jetliner toward the Air Force plane.
Det Botha, the first officer to arrive at the scene of the Valentine's Day shooting, was accused of mishandling the investigation after he amended his testimony during fierce questioning by Mr Pistorius's defence lawyers in last month's bail hearing.
Moreover, the first police officer at the scene disputed that Fitzgerald had witnessed the crime.
Mr. Figoski was the first NYPD officer killed in the line of duty by a gunman outside the department since 2007.
Karl Timmermann became the first American officer to cross the tottering Ludendorff Bridge over the Rhine when "the inner door to Germany had swung wide, never to be shut again" and on to the final German surrender at 2 a.m. on Monday, May 7.
Army Colonel Sean MacFarland was the first American officer to work with the Sheikh.
Sixteen years ago, he was the first police officer to arrive on the scene when Celtics basketball star Reggie Lewis suffered a massive heart attack.
Liberal Democrat Lord Steel was the first presiding officer, followed by the SNP's George Reid and Alex Fergusson, who has since returned as a Conservative MSP.
Constable Carroll was the first PSNI officer to have been murdered by paramilitaries since the force was formed in 2001.
He said he believes that the officer was the first female Afghan police officer to die in the line of duty since the fall of the Taliban in 2001.
Gunman Raoul Moat shouted "shoot me" at the first police officer to confront him, an inquest has heard.
BBC: Raoul Moat inquest: Gunman shouted 'shoot me' to police
Constable Carroll was the first PSNI officer to be murdered when he was shot dead in Craigavon in March 2009.
The first chief technology officer of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is doing more than just working to make community health data as useful as weather data.
Dame Sally is not the first chief medical officer to warn of the dangers of antibiotic overuse.
Most recently, he was senior vice president and chief information officer at Disney, where he was the first chief information officer to manage companywide IT.
U.S. airlines also require a flight attendant to be in the cockpit when the pilot or first officer take bathroom breaks, in case the person flying the aircraft becomes incapacitated.
CNN: Dutch 737 pilot locked out of cockpit while co-pilot sleeps