Obama is ahead of the former first lady in total delegates: 1, 845 to 1, 686.
Others who grew up in Argentina shared personal recollections of the former first lady.
Of course with "Sarko" comes Carla, the former First Lady, who has now returned to song writing.
George McGovern, the 1972 Democratic presidential nominee, said he had decided to back Obama over the former first lady.
The former first lady of the Philippines makes for an unlikely leading lady and, from the perspective of the average theatergoer, an uncomfortable one.
Clinton's advisers appear to be focusing most efforts on Indiana, a state with lunch-bucket demographics that have proven friendlier to the former first lady.
Clinton is leaving Obama's Cabinet soon, and speculation about the former first lady and senator has only grown more intense after a heated appearance last week on Capitol Hill.
It is no coincidence that the Clinton campaign's Howard Wolfson used the term "Naftagate" in the run up to last month's Ohio primary, which was eventually won convincingly by the former First Lady.
And I wonder if Hillary Clinton really would be one of a hundred in the Senate, because she will always be the former first lady, she will always be a nationally known person.
On the other hand, ex-Talking Head singer Byrne and Fatboy Slim teamed up downtown to create "Here Lies Love, " a well-received musical about the life of Imelda Marcos, the former first lady of the Philippines.
And obviously the First Lady and former First Lady Laura Bush are in Pennsylvania.
The former Philippine First Lady celebrated her 70th birthday with four days of sumptuous parties that attracted the cream of the social set.
The opening address was given by former First Lady of the United States Laura Bush, who is Honorary Ambassador for the UN Literacy Decade (UNLD).
Published polls showed the New York senator and former first lady was heavily favored in the state.
CNN: Hillary Clinton trumpets win in Florida despite lack of delegates
The opening address will be given by former First Lady of the United States Laura Bush, who is Honorary Ambassador for the UN Literacy Decade (UNLD).
Now comes the 2004 Nobel Prize-winning Austrian writer Elfriede Jelinek's irreverent, sharp-eyed imagining of the inner life of former first lady Jackie Kennedy.
She's the New York senator and former First Lady of Arkansas.
Obama, the first-term senator from Illinois who won last week's Iowa caucuses, led the New York senator and former first lady 39 percent to 29 percent in a poll conducted Saturday and Sunday -- a sharp change from a poll out Saturday that showed the Democratic front-runners tied at 33 percent.
They will be joined by former Vice President Al Gore, the Democrats' nominee in 2000, and former first lady and current Sen.
Press Here represents Debbie Harry and Blondie along with the Arctic Monkeys, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, former French first lady Carla Bruni and a few dozen other big time pop acts.
There's also talk about another member of the U.S. Senate, former first lady Hillary Clinton.
Hollywood star Meryl Streep's portrayal of Thatcher in the 2011 film "The Iron Lady" gave some younger viewers their first insight into the former politician's character.
As former first lady Laura Bush took the stage, she thanked Jones' widow, Nancy, for giving her the opportunity to speak.
CNN: Stars, fans say goodbye to George Jones at Grand Ole Opry
Former First Lady Callista Mutharika, who went to the police station where her brother-in-law was being held, told agitated DPP supporters that she was disappointed with President Banda.
Samuel Manetoali, the First Lady of South Africa, Mrs Sizakele Zuma and the Former President of the Republic of Cap-Vert, Mr Antonio Manuel Mascarenhas Gomes Monteiro.
As a French diplomat after World War II, Hessel joined a panel that included former U.S. first lady Eleanor Roosevelt which wrote up the U.N.
But in an interview Thursday on NBC's "Today, " former first lady Barbara Bush said that while Jeb Bush is able to do the job, she would like to see other families in the White House.
The Marcos family, meanwhile, had returned from exile in 1990s and again wields influence: former first lady Imelda Marcos as a lawmaker, son Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos a senator, daughter Imee a provincial governor.
Leading the list of the 30 to 40 witnesses expected to testify are former White House deputy chief of staff Harold Ickes, presidential advisor Bruce Lindsey and the first lady's chief of staff, Margaret Williams.
Kennedy's early support for Obama was considered a boon for the candidate, then a first-term senator from Illinois locked in a tough primary battle against former first lady Hillary Clinton.
CNN: Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy dies after cancer battle