"If you can hit the house owners hard in the pocket every time, they are much more vigilant about who is renting from them, " says Darryl Plecas, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University College of the Fraser Valley.
If all this talk of Abbotsford, Maple Ridge and the wider Fraser Valley has you salivating to meet the people behind the food on your Vancouver table, you are in luck.
BBC: Vancouver��s 100-mile food trail
Seasonal produce from the lush Fraser Valley farming region, which starts 60km east of the city, is a highlight of the market, from crisp autumnal apples to orange-hued winter squash.
BBC: Vancouver��s 100-mile food trail
Ex-master of the Ashford Valley Hunt Brian Fraser, 63, had earlier been cleared of the attempted murder of his former lover Louise Leggatt.
BBC: Kent huntsman Brian Fraser jailed for gun offences
Brian Fraser, 63, who was master of the Ashford Valley Hunt, initially told police he had been at home with his wife when Louise Leggatt was shot.
BBC: Kent huntsman Brian Fraser 'tried to kill ex-girlfriend'
Poetically named the Valley of the Giants, this area contains some of the largest trees on Fraser Island.
BBC: Hiking Australia��s Fraser Island