Is it more meaningful than the more explicit and more relevant ban on use in the Geneva Convention?
And although the Geneva Convention covers civilians accompanying armies, it was not intended to apply to armed guards.
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This is amusing, as Hamas has no regard for the Geneva Convention and violates it at every possible opportunity.
U.S. officials should be working on ways to penalize - financially or otherwise - states that violate the Geneva Convention.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Blowing Smoke About Making Deadly Gas
As unlawful enemy combatants, Mohammed and his fellow jihadists are not entitled under the Geneva Convention to any judicial review.
The core purpose of the Geneva Convention is to encourage the conduct of war in a way that minimizes violence to civilians.
UN, the European Union and America's State Department, see things differently, talking of violations of the Geneva Convention and a potential humanitarian crisis.
Under the Geneva Convention of 1949 and the Hague regulations of 1907 the coalition has clear responsibilities and clear limits to its authority.
Long before Saddam Hussein, Iraq signed the Geneva Convention promising never to use poison gas, but Saddam used it extensively in his war with Iran.
All the detainees were being treated as if they were prisoners of war, although the Pentagon has not declared them as POWs under the Geneva Convention.
The spokesman could not specify those norms and would not acknowledge the danger of other countries taking this as an example to suspend the Geneva Convention in future.
Now, the Obama administration is making the case that a part of the Geneva Convention that the US has never ratified should be accepted in the United States.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Allen West, Doug Feith & Caroline Glick
The Geneva Convention banning the use of chemical weapons by states has been on the books since 1925 and has been violated repeatedly, most notably of late by Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Blowing Smoke About Making Deadly Gas
Chief among them, according to a senior administration official, are "legal issues covered by the Geneva convention" -- including the issue of whether the two men want to be released to the Yugoslav government.
But the Vatican Gendarmes insist that the conditions under which Gabriele will be held fully respect the Geneva Convention on torture and "conform to the detention standards applicable to other countries in analogous circumstances".
Foreign Office Parliamentary Secretary Ben Bradshaw told MPs he was confident the prisoners were being kept in accordance with the Geneva Convention but that the definition of a prisoner of war was an "extremely complicated matter".
On Friday, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said U.S. officials consider them unlawful combatants with no rights under the Geneva Convention -- but he said they would be treated in a manner "reasonably consistent" with those accords.
All of this is certainly not to mention the fact that groups like Al Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, Jemiyat al-Islamiyah and numerous others routinely violate the Geneva Convention with respect to their practices of directly targeting civilians.
Frequently terrorists (as they've been trained to do) and their supporters such as Amnesty will cry that America is violating the Geneva Convention by holding these men in "inhumane" conditions (which has proven to be a false allegation) without charging them and so on.
They insist on blurring the lines sensibly drawn by the Geneva Convention between prisoners of war (namely, military personnel from states parties who conform to the laws of war by wearing uniforms, displaying their arms, and adhering to an identified chain of command) and unlawful enemy combatants (who do not).
Coming under heavy fire from the British media on Tuesday about the U.S. insistence that the Al Qaeda prisoners were unlawful combatants and therefore not subject to the rules of the Geneva Convention, Blair's press spokesman repeatedly said that it was not for the UK to intervene in the treatment of the prisoners.
During the 1988 trial of Mutula Shakur, a self-described soldier for the "Republic of Afrika" accused by the United States government of murdering police and robbery in New York, the defense argued that Shakur was immune from prosecution on the grounds that, pursuant to the terms of Protocol I to the Geneva Convention, he should be treated as a prisoner of war.
The Mission also recommended that the Assembly ask the Swiss Government to convene a conference of the high contracting parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 on measures to enforce the Convention in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and ensure its respect in accordance with its article 1.
Lord Hoffman said the women were entitled to seek asylum under the 1951 Geneva convention because the evidence was that the state would not assist them because they were women.
According to the Third Geneva Convention itself (the one covering POWs), for a person to qualify as a POW and be accorded the treatment proscribed in said convention, that person must be affiliated (either regular army or militia meaning some sort of uniform) with a "High Contracting Power" (a state that was party to the convention but for argument's sake we'll say any state).
The settlements violate the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prevents an occupying power from transferring its own population into occupied territory, the report states.
"Captured combatants must be treated as Prisoners of War in accordance with the Third Geneva Convention, " it added.
Lord Warner said it represented "collective punishment" of Gaza's citizens and was in "direct violation" of article 33 of the fourth Geneva Convention.
It also said Israel must comply with the Fourth Geneva Convention, which states that occupying powers shouldn't transfer parts of its civilian population into territory it occupies.
The Committee would be well advised to heed Mr. Feith's advice that emphasis should be placed upon fixing the existing Geneva convention rather than exacerbating its present shortcomings -- namely its unenforceability -- with a new treaty that will be neither verifiable, nor effective nor enforceable.