Names of ice yachts from the golden era of ice sailing typically commingled whimsy with menace--and for good reason.
Similarly, the golden era of Sixty Minutes on Channel Nine came under Packer.
In the golden era of the PDA, many debated whether future consumers would adopt a one-device or two-device approach.
"This is the golden era of our club, " said club president Kamal Darweesh.
Mr. Robertson says he designed the space, which is still raw, to emulate the golden era of Hollywood with a streamlined Art Deco look.
But the rise of Jim Crow laws in the late 1880s -- segregating blacks and whites -- spelled an end to the golden era of jockeys like Winkfield.
Spending on new projects and major renovations dipped in the 1970s and 1980s, but has since risen and is now higher even than in the golden era of highway-building.
But the golden era for Leeds continues as they celebrate an unprecedented run of success in Super League, while coach Brian McClennan can now boast back-to-back Grand Final victories in his two years at the club.
Then he was given the opportunity of a lifetime: From 1959 to 1960, Claxton was commissioned to document the American jazz scene at the height of the "golden era" of the music genre.
On one hand, almost everyone in the game agrees that this era is golden, and certainly among the best periods the sport has ever known.
Today we look at these achievements, much as Dark Age peasants looked on the mighty works of the Roman Era, feeling like some golden age has passed when giants walked the Earth.
British folk music had a golden era in the '60s and early '70s, and in certain circles it's experiencing a renaissance.
But a decision in 1902 to allow messages to run on the back ushered in a golden era of postcard art and correspondence.
It was the commission's last golden era.
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So in addition to the simplicity of generous balconies and a wider-than-usual stretch of gardens (designed by Miami landscape architect Raymond Jungles), Faena would like the new hotel to evoke the resorts of the French Riviera's golden era.
If the new French president "gets his way and we enter a golden era of infrastructure spending someone in the private sector will have to provide the material and technical skills to deliver the projects on time and in good order, " said Stephen Pope, managing partner at Spotlight Ideas.
Now, this same mindset is catching on in China, and as the fear of failure goes away, we may see another golden era for startups in China that outdoes the first wave from 2004-2008.
Giggs has been a constant for Sir Alex Ferguson as the Old Trafford supremo etched himself into footballing folklore as the most decorated English manager as United basked in a golden era matched only in history by Liverpool's dominance of the late 1970s and early 80s.
Like Jobs, McDonald was almost synonymous with the company he founded during its golden era.
The classic distinction between golden eggs and the geese that lay them fell into disfavor in 1969, the era of go-go stock funds.
Since the golden age of Greece, there has been only one era of reason in twenty-three centuries of Western philosophy.
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"I'm not here to suggest there was a golden era of bipartisanship, " Snowe told The Associated Press in an interview Friday.
V-blogs, cheap technology ably performing business chores and a new golden era for startups--rich rewards await the entrepreneurs who knit these trends together.
Back in the 1990s women in rich countries seemed to be heading towards a golden era.
But the book is also curt and funny, a blast of golden-era detail.