However I have long loved the original, The Oyster Bar, in Grand Central Station, one of the greatest and most classic of all New York eateries, and see little reason for the oyster fan to go elsewhere.
We built the transcontinental railroad, the Interstate Highway System, the Hoover Dam, Grand Central Station.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Retaining Teachers and the American Jobs Act | The White House
People from all around the world would come to America to see the Golden Gate Bridge and the Hoover Dam -- (applause) -- and Grand Central Station and the interstate highways.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the American Jobs Act in Jamestown, North Carolina | The White House
About 2, 100 National Guard troops will be dispatched throughout New York state, with a large concentration at stationed at power plants, Grand Central Station, Penn Station and the George Washington Bridge.
It would take about 16 minutes for trains to run from the Secaucus station to Grand Central.
Most things that survive a centennial warrant some kind of tribute, like the one CBS has given Grand Central Station for now serving 82 million guests.
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If someone opened a fake store in, say, Grand Central Station, the company would be blanketing the media with statements vowing to shut down the offending outlet.
Take the New Haven Metro North line from Grand Central Station to New Haven State Street Station, about an hour and 45 minute trip.
As much as I would have liked to see a game solely starring Jake and Sherry, as they boldly take this franchise in a new direction, the franchise has enough baggage to fill Grand Central Station.
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Callahan's commute takes her through New York's Grand Central Station, one of the nation's busiest train stations and where she feels most uneasy.
He's got a modest three-room office, decorated with paintings of Airstream trailers, on the sixth floor of an office building near Grand Central Station.
Even people who commute to the city from the suburbs rely on the subway to get from Penn Station or Grand Central Station to their offices.
According to Mr. Browne, the friend, identified as Derrick Hamilton, met NYPD detectives at Grand Central Station and traveled with them to Bethlehem.
Tennis great Billie Jean King was inducted into the Tennis Industry Hall of Fame this morning in a hotel ballroom over Grand Central Station in New York City.
FORBES: Billie Jean King Inducted into Tennis Industry Hall of Fame
So it was entirely fitting that Penn Station and Grand Central were conceived and constructed on the most lavish scale, as triumphal departure points for those travelling great distances across a land of teeming possibilities, and as monumental entrances for those many people who were visiting New York to get a glimpse of the future.
About 700 people were on board the Metro-North trains when one heading east from New York City's Grand Central Station to New Haven derailed about 6:10 p.m. just outside Bridgeport, MTA and Bridgeport officials said.
That's not the case with the "new" Westin, a large and centrally located property just two blocks from Grand Central Station.
She was so upset when Penn Station was torn down, the Metropolitan Opera house, and when it came to Grand Central it was just too much.
The eastbound train, headed to New Haven from Grand Central Terminal, derailed at about 6:10 p.m. just east of the Fairfield Metro station, and hit a westbound train on the opposite track, Metro-North spokeswoman Marjorie Anders said, knocking several cars of that train off the rails.