Mr Huhne, the energy secretary, was visiting the university to talk about the green economy.
"We have the potential to become world leaders in the green economy, " she added.
The California conference was used to announce new efforts to encourage investment in the green economy.
The Organization plays a strategic role in training for careers related to the green economy and renewable energy.
To that end, the president has said since coming to office that the green economy will provide the next-generation of jobs.
The announcement of the Greener Homes Innovation Scheme followed last week's 2013-14 budget which announced investment in construction, skills and the green economy.
Alliance MLA Anna Lo said Northern Ireland was missing out on thousands of jobs in the green economy sector, on 12 September 2011.
Also on the agenda: how policy-makers can better understand the social cornerstones of sustainable development and integrate a social perspective into the green economy.
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Given the 9% unemployment rate in the U.S., the fact that dollar-for-dollar the green economy produces more jobs than traditional development makes it a no-brainer.
She was proposing a motion calling on the executive to make the development of the green economy a priority within the next programme for government.
In fact, the green economy could soon become the nation's fastest-growing job segment, accounting for roughly 10% of new jobs over the next 20 years.
Like it or not, the green economy is not about making the world a better place--it's about making money on making the world a better place.
While we are working on growing our own green economy here in the United States, China is in a strong position to become the green economy leader.
The group will also support growing businesses to achieve their goals and will also work to establish new businesses in manufacturing, advanced technologies and the green economy.
BBC: Gloucestershire's Lib Dem group pledges to improve roads
Other questions covered topics including the effects of the Autumn Statement on jobs and skills in the green economy, the Green Investment Bank and reducing energy demand in households.
Just as we partnered each other in the shaping of the knowledge economy, we have the opportunity today to become partners in developing the green economy of the future.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Singh Press Conference
There was "strong support for the green economy", he argued, which represented "a major achievement, recognising that in the long term greening our economies should not conflict with growing them".
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is taking an interest in ITPA because it sees the group as a living example of the green economy in action.
To mitigate the continued degradation of the ocean and its marine treasures, and to restore and sustain its critical market and ecosystem services, a transition must be made towards blueing the green economy.
But Paul King, chief executive of the UK Green Building Council, supported the latest details outlined by Mr Clegg, saying that the Green Investment Bank would play a central role in the green economy.
BBC: Clegg: UK green bank 'to begin investing in April 2012'
Water contributes to the green economy.
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He is the author of two New York Times best-selling books, The Green Collar Economy (2008) and Rebuild the Dream (2012).
Investing in green measures and green technology is actually good for the economy because a green economy is an incredibly labour intensive economy.
The problem arises when actions in other domains ignore or misunderstand that water underpins the entire green economy, and that without planning for good management of freshwater resources the entire movement is put at risk.
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 provided billions of dollars to help stimulate the nation and give a boost to the growing green economy.
Some of the benefits of carbon reduction measures, according to the report, would be the creation of jobs in the 'green economy', increased reputation of Wales's academic and technology capacity in this field and increased revenue expenditure for public bodies to deliver front line services as their income from renewable energy sources increases.
This conference aims to examine the gaps and barriers in integrating the social dimensions into green economy decision-making and to promote the role of social policy and research in addressing current and emerging challenges.
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The most important contribution of a green recovery to the world economy is that it may help alleviate global imbalances (Barbier 2010a and 2010b).
The ministers will aim to establish a roadmap towards a global inclusive green economy and the institutional framework to achieve this.