"He had been following the rules, " able to leave the halfway house with advance approval.
The Halfway House at Box, near Minchinhampton, was closed on 8 July by owners The Novalis Trust.
The new scheme has been set up so hostel residents can move to the halfway house after gaining basic living skills and developing confidence.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Southern Counties | Young homeless learn city living
The Halfway House in Box, near Minchinhampton, has been turned into a cafe and school reception area by the Novalis Trust which owns the building.
If you don't feel comfortable relegating your contact to Friend Request Limbo, you can instead send him or her to the halfway house of your limited profile.
The Halfway House, on the edge of the site of a special school at Box, near Minchinhampton, was closed by owners The Novalis Trust on 8 July.
How will the Scots feel about risking independence if their newly repatriated political leaders cannot even make a success of the halfway-house of devolution?
The rest graduate to a halfway house on a leafy estate near Rotterdam, where they are taught to cope with everyday responsibilities.
In the first phase of hearings in the impeachment inquiry against Bill Clinton, constitutional experts told members of the House Judiciary Committee that a halfway reprimand, such as censure, would have no basis in the constitution.
The huge exception has been Yugoslavia, seen in 1989 as a template of multi- ethnicity and pluralism, a halfway house between centrally planned socialism and the harsh and distant world of Western capitalism.
There's degrees and there's got to be a halfway house between freedom of the press and freedom of speech, and the right to a person's private life and privacy.
But the judge sternly rejected the efforts and ordered Trie to a Washington halfway house 24-hours-a-day.
"About halfway through, I went to the house to pick up some stuff, " Statman recalled.
Using a model that ties house prices to disposable incomes and long-term interest rates, analysts at Goldman Sachs reckon that the correction in national house prices is only halfway through.
America is the only rich country that makes use of this halfway house of a system.
ECONOMIST: Business is right to be scared by the costs of Obamacare
The judge recommended his term be served in a halfway house, not prison.
The studio is based at Red Hill House on a sharp bend halfway down Red Hill, which is a narrow road.
Ten years ago, he told the judge, he'd done a year's time in a halfway house.
The new "value added" measures in this year's league tables are a halfway house.
He said Ebel had been sentenced to a halfway house for a robbery charge in 2003 before he was accused in two additional robbery cases the following year that garnered prison sentences of three and eight years.
In the course of the documentary, we talked to a priest who's running a house -two priests, actually - run halfway houses for migrants, trying to help them from being exploited before they go across the border.