Rather than focus on the opinions of the few that reinforce gender differences, we need to focus on the science of the many whose findings suggest that the key to our survival is to foster the emotional and social health of girls and boys and men and women.
Dr. Theodore Gaensbauer, clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and author of the study "Emotional Expression in Infancy, " agrees.
"A lot of the things they checked off on those questions were related to their anxiety about the parent's next deployment, and just concerns about the emotional health of their family members, " she said.
Friends were found to provide practical help, transport, child care and housework as well as emotional support, and the Mental Health Foundation said it was important this burden is recognised and the carers helped.
Despite the best health care available, this was an illness that was never fully controlled and the emotional pain resulted in his decision to take his life.
Marriage and family therapists are mental health professionals who typically diagnose and treat mental and emotional disorders within the context of marriage, couples and family systems.
As in other military organisations, mental health and emotional screening would be part of the standards for militia membership, which in turn should be the qualification for keeping and bearing private arms.
Homeless children have poor health, emotional problems and low graduation rates, the study found.
You've got to look at the mental, emotional and the spiritual aspects of human life to understand health and illness.
As we look at the statistics, it is obvious that the physical presence of a responsible father plays a pivotal role in the success of the next generation, from emotional health, through education, crime prevention, and financial success.
The longitudinal studies that have been done have shown no difference in emotional and mental health between children raised by gay and lesbian parents and children raised by heterosexual parents.
The Wave Project was formed in 2010 to support children suffering from emotional trauma and mental health issues.
In a survey of 844 members across the UK, 62% said there were more children with emotional, behavioural and mental health problems than two years ago and 56% said there were more than five years ago.
One way or another, the 5-year-old group has managed to provide information about health resources, educational classes and emotional support to over 400 African women.
The mental health problems that result from emotional damage require more, not less, social support, and not just from parents, who may be overwhelmed and ashamed of their offspring.