Meanwhile, Booker Prize nominated author Trezza Azzopardi - who was highly praised for her depiction of poverty - will be reading extracts from her book The Hiding Place.
This has become even more difficult in recent times because of the increase of the kidnapping business in this city when the gangs found in Cite-Soleil the hiding place to put their victims.
The producers appear to share his confidence, or so it seemed when one reporter asked if the pair had already selected a hiding place in case the fans dislike the show.
After blood passes into the mosquito gut, the parasites quickly turn into male and female forms the gametes and emerge from their hiding place inside the red blood cells to mate.
One thing is for sure, the Francis inquiry has ensured there will be no hiding place for the NHS as it battles to rise to the challenge.
Across the world, from a hiding place in Holland to prison camps of Lausanne, the captives awaited their liberators.
Barack Obama, scolded by many in Congress for getting involved in the first place, is hiding in NATO's back seat.
In its unfolded state, a protein's backbone is exposed from its normal hiding-place deep within the folds.
Floating beneath them was an almost illicit pleasure--like I was hiding out from the world, in a place no one would even think to look--made all the sweeter for the contrast with the structure's history.
The family has been in hiding for weeks, moving from place to place under tight security.
The treasury chief also warned there would be no "hiding place" for those who tried to avoid or evade tax - and he made it clear that such a tough approach would apply to Rangers and other football clubs.
First Minister Alex Salmond said there should be "no hiding place" for those responsible for sectarian abuse on the internet.
The magazine says he'd already planned to use it as hiding place.
But egalitarian did not mean equal: in mixed clubs, boys tended to charge about the place, keeping the girls out of the billiards room and hiding the table-tennis balls.
Julie and four other campers reached the water in a couple of minutes and got in -- oblivious to the chill -- and waded behind a rock, where they found a hiding place on land under an overhang.
CNN: 'Mom, don't panic ... but there's a gunman going loose here'