The hot topic in Washington is how that will change the argument between the two parties - if at all.
Their new employee handbook is the hot topic among corporate-culture watchers.
Dimon also discussed the hot topic of breaking up the banks.
FORBES: Don't Count On Jamie Dimon's Help During The Next Financial Crisis
The hot topic of late has been David Einhorn and his fight against Apple to get the tech giant to raise its dividend.
The Startup Act 2.0 originated by Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) and Mark Warner (D-Va.) and now joined by Chris Coons (D-Del.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) will be the hot topic Jan. 2013.
The hot topic at international finance gatherings these days is how to keep the trillions of weak dollars amassed in Asia and the oil exporters (Russia, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, etc.) from shifting the world's economic direction away from market-oriented private-sector growth.
He thinks the high-tech industry wanted these increases buried in a bill that's largely about the hot button topic of illegal immigration.
The gender gap in voting is the latest hot topic after a USA Today poll showed Obama leading women voters over Romney by 18 points in key swing states.
Possibly so, but regardless of it becoming a hot topic in technology, the perception needs to shift to the focus on a hot topic in business management and organizational operations.
The new orders were a hot topic over the past weekend, when milbloggers gathered in Arlington, Va.
Social media such as Twitter also showed the scandal as a hot topic, cited under the hashtag shorthand of "notw" for News of the World, the Murdoch publication that was shut down this month because of phone-hacking allegations, experts said.
CNN: Once ignored, phone-hacking scandal gets global audience
But the yellow metal will be a hot topic in the next 24 months.
But Escher says that the economic crisis has made the subject a hot topic for current MBAs.
Others like The Buckle, Hot Topic and Wet Seal saw drops in revenue.
Whether this stands in the real-world is likely to be a hot topic during the Ford lawsuit.
As the debate continues, Bryant is not surprisingly a hot topic in the Twitterverse with his name continuing to trend in the top 10 topics of the day.
Next month, the agency will consider another hot-button topic: the overuse of antipsychotic drugs like Risperdal and Zyprexa in children.
The valuation of currencies was a hot topic in 2012 and developments over the past few weeks suggest that it is likely to remain in the headlines for some time.
Although Monsanto has promised to put its terminator-gene system in deep-freeze, the molecular switching that underlies it remains a hot topic at many of the world's leading agri-biotechnology firms.
In the US at a similar panel, questions regarding the affect of export laws on US competitiveness around the world are a hot topic.
The latest digitally-driven marketing meme caught fire among the early adopter crowd late this Summer and is a hot topic of conversation at the New York ad fest this week.
FORBES: Advertising Week 2012: Get Ready For The Native Ad Wave
The global energy supply is also a hot topic in Azerbaijan's giant neighbor to the north, Russia.
Many of the particulars there are still up in the air, though, which is a shame because this has already been a hot topic of conversation in the Ubuntu community, and quite a few folks are likely to be curious.
Hot Topic is the chain that succeeded with South Park, Care Bears, Superman, and SpongeBob SquarePants.
Innocent spouse cases clog the courts and are a hot topic among tax reformers.
But whether he can deliver remains a hot topic among the French public.
Chavez's health is a hot topic on the streets of the country's capital.
CNN: Venezuelan court says inauguration day delay OK for Chavez
It is a very hot topic at the moment as states everywhere are reducing expenditures in the face of fiscal crises.
With Twitter becoming more and more popular, there's now a drive to succinctly summarise a hot topic with the perfect hashtag.
Another hot topic on the presidential scene has been health care.