That could price many people out of the housing market and further undercut the housing industry.
Now the housing industry will be paying attention to today's announcement from the Federal Reserve.
However, reports from the housing industry so far this year have indicated a potential dramatic reversal.
The plan strengthening lending standards comes amid fresh news of ongoing turmoil in the housing industry.
It has the support of independent, nonpartisan economists and leaders across the housing industry.
Weaver's outlook for the housing industry next year is also above the consensus forecast.
And people there are really reeling from the housing industry, the job industry - obviously, that's specific.
The recovery is also now being led by the housing industry, which is a particularly good omen.
Historically, the main driving forces of the economy have been the housing industry and the auto industry.
And as the housing industry picks up, that will serve as a further catalyst to the remodeling industry.
Housing prices have also been rising month over month, which points to a recovery in the housing industry.
FORBES: Norfolk Southern Chugs To $78 On Natural Gas And Housing Recovery
The housing industry met all that with too many homes, townhouses and condos.
The housing industry greeted the proposal coolly, and some mortgage industry officials criticized the administration for not providing more detail.
WSJ: Obama Administration Proposes Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Phaseout
That may now be happening in the housing industry since home sales have been declining sharply again in recent months.
What if, says Ismail (who incidentally was wearing a 3D printed belt) you combined 3D printing, robots and the housing industry?
Meyer arrived at the Bloomfield Hills, Michigan company in fall 2009 during one of the bleakest periods in the housing industry.
Yet on financial metrics (other than the share price), Home Depot's performance was strong, at least until the housing industry slowed.
Reports from the housing industry are not likely to lessen uncertainties either.
FORBES: Jobs Report Nice But Nasty Wildcards Remain In The Deck
To my way of thinking the housing industry in the U.S. is as large a concern, and probably also is to the Fed.
Ken: Wall Street analysts say real estate prices have to stabilize before there can be a real turn around in the housing industry.
The housing industry is rebounding and business investment appears solid, but government cutbacks have weighed on the economy and consumer attitudes have soured.
Only one of those economic engines, auto sales, seems to be functioning well so far, with the housing industry still mired in the mud.
FORBES: Jobs Number Is Nothing, Bullish Market Trend And Tide Of Positive Data Matter More
In early 2008 I said the economic problems began in the housing industry and the eventual recovery would also begin in the housing industry.
If they can't do that, they won't be able to purchase mortgages, and the housing industry will slow even more than it has already.
The provision faces opposition from charities as well as the housing industry, which worries about the impact of making the mortgage interest deduction less valuable.
FORBES: Obama Budget Raises Taxes On Rich And Big Estates, Sends $250 Checks To Seniors
In the housing industry, for example, Buffett disclosed that output of modular homes has fallen in a decade from 382, 000 units to 60, 000 units.
FORBES: Berkshire Hathaway Book Value Up 20% in 2009; Portfolio Shuffle
By then it will be time to focus short-term again on the next monthly economic reports, from the housing industry, consumer confidence, and employment reports.
Currently, for the last several months there have been a string of negative economic reports from the housing industry, consumer confidence, and slowing GDP growth.
FORBES: Mayday, Mayday: Suspicious Similarities To Last Year For Stocks
And the housing industry is the bedrock of the American dream.
Some folks, because of the decline in the housing industry, are having trouble with mobility in finding new jobs and relocating in pursuit of opportunity.