But the intimidating capacity home crowd made this clash feel like a Grand Final.
The intimidating mega-badguys from aquatic Randian horror-shooter, BioShock, are actually a pretty good fit for the much lighter Borderlands 2.
Rely on the friendly volks behind the bar to guide you through the intimidating and complex beer menu to something you will love.
Jonjo Shelvey was making his full Reds debut as he filled the Steven Gerrard role behind main striker Ngog and he, along with fellow youngsters Martin Kelly and Jay Spearing, admirably dealt with the intimidating atmosphere at the Stadio San Paolo.
He was taking part in an operation to prevent the insurgents from "intimidating the local population" and attacking an Afghan police checkpoint.
BBC: Prime Minister David Cameron in tribute to dead soldier
In the warm-up games we have already had a taste of the hysterical, intimidating appealing the umpires will face on Thursday, and it is most unsavoury.
There's also a wide-spread belief that the amulets and intimidating wooden masks the Mai Mai wear give them magic powers.
Tackle the most intimidating chore first, by designating time to take stock of where you are professionally.
Buyers can discover new art and potentially build a whole collection from the comfort of their own homes, not the occasionally intimidating setting of a gallery.
Because of this the great teams become intimidating because the opposition know they have to knock out all 11 opponents rather than just one or two of the best individuals.
In 1955, when Gene Moore joined Tiffany's, the venerable store was, as it still is, the most intimidating establishment in Fifth Avenue, a place of steep prices and unsmiling, if polite, security guards.
Meier acknowledges the "intimidating" nature of his mission.
Ogura, standing out in Rockefeller Center with a bright yellow blazer and black cloche hat, said the event's appeal lies in its accessibility: It's an opportunity for the general public to connect with the seemingly intimidating fashion community on a more personal level.
Yet the way the Republicans went after it, by intimidating the three-member board or by providing the excuse it was looking for, gave Americans the first TV view of strong-arm tactics in what was supposed to be a showcase of democracy in action.
She described the atmosphere at the time as "intimidating" and said the station had changed out of all recognition since the 1980s.
The penalties for failing to appear can be less intimidating than the disincentives from organised-crime syndicates.
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An input meeting meant we'd have actual work that would make our time sheets less intimidating the following week.
Mr Thorley denied intimidating the assistant, and described the school he ran as one of the happiest in the area.
Both sides accused one another of tampering with evidence and intimidating the witnesses into testifying one way or the other.
Contacting the lender to prevent foreclosure can be very intimidating especially if the homeowner has never been delinquent or had the need for foreclosure intervention counseling.
WHITEHOUSE: Homeowning 101: Lessons to Stay Afloat from NeighborWorks Waco | The White House
So how is it that the same country that has produced some of the world's finest gustatory treasures is also home to a vegetable more reviled than broccoli and as intimidating as the artichoke?
He goes on to describe how, after a September protest outside of the Quantico facility and an intimidating run-in with guards giving him contradictory orders, the brig commander James Averhart visited his cell.
FORBES: Alleged WikiLeaker Bradley Manning: "What Have I Done To Deserve This?"
What's perhaps more intimidating are the overnight patrols on which soldiers climb out of their Humvees and go looking for bombs.
In Los Angeles, there are so many places worth checking out that it can be a bit intimidating for the uninitiated.
Grassley wants to prevent agencies like the SEC from "intimidating" whistle-blowers by trying to subpoena communications between them and lawmakers.
The process can be intimidating, but with some premiums having fallen recently, now might be an opportune time to plan ahead.
Many of the YES students I meet with describe the process as "intimidating" and "scary, " but also express their respect for Eisner.
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Sarah wants a job in marketing but admits she finds the prospect of finding a role in the current environment both intimidating and bewildering.
Heavy rain was forecast for the Wednesday, and it came in the middle of the afternoon, blown in from the west by an intimidating storm.