The folks at Wharton should leave the Ivory tower and get out into the real world.
They tied pay and budgets to performance, even for scientists in the ivory tower.
While Kaplan's competition looks to rebuild the ivory tower, Kaplan COO Andrew Rosen has no such intention.
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Regulators and industry talk past each other, while the ivory tower tries to cut through the middle.
He nowadays would be covered in tar and feathers and chased out of the ivory tower for self-plagiarism?
Zuckerberg lately has gotten the reputation of the billionaire exec in the ivory tower, wearing a hoodie of course.
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The Ivory Tower, however, was not quite as thrilled with her plans to spread this message as she was.
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Lastly, spending time in the stores vs. only in the ivory tower of the corporate office is a must.
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Lawrence Smarr inhabits the ivory tower, yet he helped create underpinnings of the Internet, the World Wide Web and Netscape.
One force behind all this money has been the fall of the ivory tower that once kept professors above real-world concerns.
To get an idea of the gulf between the ivory tower and Main Street, take a look at the essay by Yale professor Robert Shiller.
Two decades ago, conservatives liked to argue that the ivory tower had put academics out of touch with reality, and that conservatism had reason and science on its side.
And therefore it runs against the traditional Genentech narrative, in which a group of altruistic biologists come down from the ivory tower to save the brutes at the New Jersey-based drug giants.
Mr Singer's influence extends to the world beyond the ivory tower partly because he writes with such lucidity and quiet passion about genuinely pressing questions: the environment, the rich-poor divide, cruelty to animals, human suffering.
The logic behind long-only equity, that risky assets deserve higher growth potential and straight market exposure will provide acceptable returns, works well in the ivory tower of modern portfolio theory, but often takes decades to deliver results in practice.
"I suspect he sometimes thinks these lawyers are talking in their artificial world with their artificial constructs, and in some ways, he's like a breath of fresh air in the ivory tower, " says Thomas Leary, the other Republican on the FTC.
Will university endowments continue to defy the ivory-tower theorists?
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Furthermore, in America today it is exceedingly rare to find the kind of insular ivory-tower mentality that makes professors in Europe so loth to interact with and keeps them isolated from the realities of their fellow citizens.
Going forward, the only way Romney defeat the Gingrich-led insurgent challenge stripped him of his claim to inevitability once and for all is if he can stay on the offense, descend from his Ivory Tower and generate a sense of authenticity and competence with the electorate that he has been unable to achieve to date.
And prominent entrepreneurs serve on the staff, not just ivory-tower academics, helping students get a feel for what the challenges of the business world are really like.
It also was evidence that, in this era of the social Web, fashion designers and retailers are no longer operating in an ivory tower or for solely the red carpet.
Sir Brian Kerr bristles at the suggestion that his plush wood panelled chambers are in effect an ivory tower, and that he and other members of the judiciary are out of touch with the real world.
And while there might be some ivory tower views that the way to do this is the single purchase of a game that has driven the industry up until this point in time, new methods will come to market and the successful models will level up and help drive the development of the next round of gaming.
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The entire debate over the terminology might look to a marketing practitioner like an Ivory Tower nitpicking but it is an important one because metaphor-based terms rely on our understanding of the underlying concepts to guide our actions.
So it was a collaborative approach and not the global brand team sitting in an ivory tower creating these new positionings.
Many Malaysians will see you as someone who lives in an ivory tower, hob-nobbing with the hoi-polloi and out of touch with the realities of what is happening in Malaysia.
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For all its creative excellence, the Ecole de Nancy was, then, no effete ivory tower.
"Wine belongs on the table, not on a pedestal or in an ivory tower, " says Joel Peterson, general manager of Ravenswood Winery, part of Constellation Wines.
Those doing the study, Robert Arnott and Peter Bernstein, are not Ivory Tower theorists.
And this contribution to development in the real word is likely to be of far greater importance than that of any ivory-tower theorist.