Indeed, with the changes in the political winds, some members of the new legislative body may well applaud the latest exotic judicialinterpretation to an arcane statutory provision.
In the brief, Morrison notes there has been precious little judicialinterpretation of the Compact Clause, which is believed to reflect the fears of the founders that states could undermine federal power by forming alliances among themselves.
During the bill's committee stage on the floor of the Commons on 11 January 2011 Mr Cash warned of increasing "judicial activism" from the courts in their interpretation of laws.
It is natural for those familiar with the common-law system to object to a non-judicial body overturning an interpretation given by a final appellate court.
"The descent into social rancor over judicial decisions is largely traceable to nontextual means of interpretation, which erodes society's confidence in a rule of law that evidently has no agreed-upon meaning, " write Scalia and Garner.
Judicial sources admit that, in order to compensate for the lack of freedom of those years, theinterpretation has perhaps become too lax and "leeway" has been given to the media.