Mr Arafat, as surprised by this intifada as he was by the last one, appears to have given up trying to steer the uprising in favour of holding on for dear life.
ECONOMIST: Ehud Barak��s race for peace
And if allowed to continue maturing, this one year can provide the spending for the last 17 years of life between age 83 and 100.
FORBES: How Much Should I Have Saved Toward Retirement?
The Feeding for Life Foundation report, published in October last year, suggested one in four toddlers in the UK is vitamin D deficient.
BBC: Experts review vitamin D advice
The centrepiece of its programme, public-private partnerships to tackle the inadequate infrastructure which is such a hindrance to all the nation's economic hopes, is only now stuttering to life after just one of the ten projects scheduled for approval last year saw contracts awarded.