Based on my experience, they parallel the impact of the Lean Startup process.
This concept is very much part of the lean startup culture developed by Steve Blank and championed by Eric Ries.
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Eric Ries constructed the game plan in his book The Lean Startup.
One implementation of this strategy is referred to as the lean startup movement, and its methodology has become what many call a science of entrepreneurship.
Pinpoint your focus and embrace the Lean Startup principles.
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The Lean Startup approach essentially attempts to help entrepreneurs identify and test their key hypotheses about a business by radically shortening the development cycle using what Eric has labeled a minimum viable product.
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What is the Lean Startup movement?
FORBES: The Mystery of Repeatable Innovation and the Startup Lessons Learned Conference
In future posts I will share stories and content from my book as well as from my research on the Lean Startup movement and other ideas which are all very similar and share the same message: there is a better way to be an entrepreneur.
While most NYU students probably set out to enjoy the lovely October sunshine this past weekend, a select few with particular drive gathered at the Stern School of Business to partake in the Lean Startup Machine, the most intensive workshop arranged by the Berkley Center so far this fall.
Eric Ries is in San Francisco on Dec. 3rd and 4th for the first Lean Startup Conference , that has been fully booked.
FORBES: Do You Have A Big Corp? Reinvent It As A Lean Startup
More specifically, rather than provide a long manifesto of the theory behind lean startup, Udacity breaks down the process of launching a business into practical steps for systematically testing hypotheses and developing a business plan that will actually work.
Instead of transcripts and term papers, you will have a documentation of student learning in the form of Lean Startup model collateral.
For those unfamiliar with the concepts of a lean startup, it was originally proposed in 2008 by Eric Ries.
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At the end, a Lean Startup is an organization that develops an unknown products in an unknown market, towards unknown customers.
FORBES: Do You Have A Big Corp? Reinvent It As A Lean Startup
Perhaps all the talk of customer development, lean startups, crowdsourcing, and the myriad bits of startup lingo has obscured the simplest truth: Starting is about problem-identifying and problem-solving.
Validation Board : Made for startups, the platform allows users to test their company idea and implement Lean Startup practices into their everyday processes.
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