The long corridor, with the nurses' station between the wards, was empty at dawn, too early for the smell of breakfast, for the morning nursing staff to click up and down the corridors with trays of thermometers and medicines, even for the bedpans, which were my responsibility.
NPR: Excerpt: 'Warm Springs'
They have divided the 1, 200km-long corridor into different blocks and have accumulated vast amounts of data.
And slowly I stood up and looked at others starting to make their way down a long corridor to the common area where we had all watched the beginnings of football season just a few days before.
FORBES: Edgefield Federal Prison, Sept 11, 2001
But more nature lovers are now exploring the toucan- and butterfly-filled Green Corridor that has long been overshadowed by the falls.
WSJ: Bird Watching in Misiones Province, Argentina
The downtown Market Street corridor that has long drawn commercial tenants is starting to draw more residents.
WSJ: Deal of the Week: Flipping in Philadelphia
The technology corridor of the West Coast has long resonated with stories of the single minded focus on the user.
FORBES: East Coast vs. West Coast: A False Distinction
In the mathematical world, he would walk down a long corridor, opening one numbered door after another.
NEWYORKER: Town of Cats
For a long time Boston Properties confined itself to smallish office projects in locales like Lexington and Bedford, along the Route 128 corridor outside Boston.
FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories