There was, however, a trickledown effect on taste which created a market for inferior art from the Low Countries.
It ended suddenly when German forces surged through the low countries, conquered France, and threw the British into the sea at Dunkirk.
More than 20 armored and mechanized Soviet divisions were poised only a few days' march from the Low Countries and the English Channel.
In the Low Countries, a pattern is discernible.
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Saint Servatius, responsible for spreading Catholicism to the Low Countries and a diplomat in the fourth century, is buried in the crypt and his relics (i.e. bits of his bone fragment) spookily feature in the basilica's treasury.
Illuminated manuscripts provided the ideal portable art form for a peripatetic court that moved regularly from its base in Dijon up through the Low Countries it had absorbed by marriage and conquest in the late 14th century.
Conversely, we see the very low GDP growth countries on the right with very low returns.
France and Germany, with their expensive welfare states, are loth to cut corporate tax rates to the low levels of countries like Ireland, so they want the Irish to raise theirs.
When prices are low, oil-rich countries welcome the low-cost, high-tech and well-capitalised oil firms.
Nor did they take into account the preferential low tariffs that rich countries already offer to some of the poorest countries.
And the presence of low-cost labor makes the countries attractive manufacturing locations for companies in Western Europe.
In a recent report, " The Implications of the Global Financial Crisis for Low-Income Countries, " the Fund singled out sub-Saharan Africa as particularly vulnerable to the crisis, as lower global growth reduces export demand and depresses commodity prices.
Both recognize that in addition to foreign assistance, other development tools such as sound policies, private capital and trade are necessary to strengthen the economies of low income countries.
It restricts the activities of "vulture funds", which buy up the debts of poor countries at low prices often taking them to court to recoup the full value of the debt.
Adding 2 billion low skill and low wage workers to the global workforce is indeed going to put downward pressure on wages for low skilled workers in the rich countries.
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Consumption in the poorest countries, meanwhile, is too low to meet even the most basic needs of 1 billion people.
The financial world craves the stability of low debt encumbered countries no matter how small.
Or recognizing the harm to low-lying countries that rising oceans will inevitably cause to all of us.
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But labor activists say the same problems are rampant in low-cost Asian countries, which produce most of the world's clothing.
Quantitative easing and its low interest rate byproduct has increased the global carry-trade out of low yielding countries and into higher yielding ones.
Another study by Ben Broadbent, an economist at Goldman Sachs, suggests that consumers in the euro zone have also benefited much less from the outsourcing of production to low-cost countries than have consumers in America or Britain, who have enjoyed a sharp decline in the price of clothes in recent years.
In order to free up those green cards, the legislation eliminates the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program which sets aside visas for countries with low rates of immigration to the United States.
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Yet interest rates are rising to meet the needs of the core countries, not falling or at minimum staying low for the needs of the peripheral ones.
Under the lottery program, visas are made available to applicants from countries with low rates of immigration to the U.S. Lottery winners have a chance at moving to the U.S. without a family member or an employer as a sponsor, the most common routes to obtaining a green card.
In addition to looking at personal characteristics such as age and relationship status, the researchers divided the countries into high- and middle-to-low income groups according to average household earnings.
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Within the Latin American forex space, the Mexican peso now looks more attractive from a carry perspective that is where low interest rate countries like Japan buy the local debt of higher interest rate countries.
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After a lunch with his pick for the Senate seat, Kirsten Gillibrand, Paterson told reporters that the United States should help make low-cost loans available to other countries, to get the global economy back on track.
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Ms d'Addio says the very low fertility rates now seen in many OECD countries are not inevitable, and governments should try to lessen the obstacles to childbearing faced by individuals and families.
However, the report says that prices remain "too high" for low-income countries, and that even if they could afford the drugs, their crumbling health infrastructures offer no means to distribute them effectively.
High-tax countries invariably lag be-hind low-tax countries. n Property rights and the rule of law.