Analysts cite that disruption, along with the potential for a full-blown conflict with Iran, as themainreasonbehind a 20% spike in oil and gasoline prices this year.
Themainreasonbehindthe decrease in spam volume is the overall heightened level of anti-spam protection, says the Moscow based junk mail and cyber crime fighting Kaspersky Lab.
He believes themainreasonbehind vinyl's comeback is a desire to conjure up the magic of buying music--a feeling that's been lost in the era of immediate gratification offered by Apple and Amazon.
The answer is that his argument is so weak that we can only surmise that themainreason anyone is paying attention to it is that Mr. Scowcroft is behind it.
Themainreason for Apple announcing a lower gross margin outlook for Q3 was the uncertainty behindthe raw material supply chain issues prevailing during the last few quarters due to the Japan tragedy.
Themainreason why a small but worrying proportion of families and young people is falling behind is that schools are failing to give them the skills they need to get and hold a job.