Monaco and Islands operates services in the Channel Islands, Falkland Islands and the Maldives among other areas.
BBC: Cable and Wireless sells Islands group to Batelco
The Maldives, a string of islands off the coast of India whose highest point above sea level is eight feet, may be the first nation to drown.
NEWYORKER: The Climate Fixers
The sale includes all operations in the Maldives, Isle of Man, Channel Islands, Seychelles, Diego Garcia and South Atlantic islands, as well as part of its holdings in Monaco.
BBC: Cable and Wireless sells Islands group to Batelco
Most attention tends to focus on inhabitants of low-lying islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans the Maldives, Tuvalu and Kiribati, say and coastal plains, notably in Bangladesh.
ECONOMIST: The threat grows from rising water and sinking buildings