During the summer mating season, uncastrated bulls raunch around like drunk teenagers, fighting other bulls, chasing the ladies, and losing up to a third of their bodyweight in the process.
BBC: In Sweden, a long journey home
Zoo chiefs have begun fertility tests on Edinburgh's female panda, Tian Tian, ahead of the spring mating season.
BBC: Fertility tests begin on pandas at Edinburgh Zoo
The midnight sounds of mating season at the moment suggest that the programme still has some distance to run.
BBC: The lairy, wary cats stalking Jerusalem bins
Carlisle City Council said the birds could become "territorial" during the summer which is the mating and nesting season.
BBC: Carlisle traders seek seagull problem solution
Dawn, dusk and mating season in the fall and early winter tend to be especially dangerous times.
WSJ: How to Keep a Deer Out of the Headlights
Sandhill cranes mate for life, and if it is their first mating season, the bonding begins around the time they get to Nebraska.
BBC: Nebraska��s awe-inspiring crane migration
The species had its best breeding season for 130 years last year, measured by the number of "booming" males, whose distinctive mating call is a low-pitched, far-carrying "boom".
BBC: Rescued rare bird to be released