Experience, or I-It, is the primary way modern man inhabits the world.
Mr Ozawa was the epitome of the modern ideas-man, who understood that the world had changed with the end of the cold war, and that a cringing Japan should change with it.
Another sop to the soft-hearted 21st-century modern man is the option of using straw to pad your socks and hopefully cushion the blows.
He's only the man behind the modern day drum machine and the original MPC-60, and he's also the man behind the concept you're inevitably peering at above.
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When the Rabbi reminds his would-be student that the man with the clean face will objectively see a dirty face and therefore wash, he is reminding the young man of the importance of modern objective thinking.
The modern Games room is devoted exclusively to Pierre de Coubertin, the man credited with organising the modern Olympics in the 1890s, again in the name of peace among nations, as well as designing its interlocking ring symbol.
Since there are few anatomical differences between human species, cognitive ones are the most likely cause of modern man's predominance.
Could it be possible that the modern business woman analyzes her man like she would a new career move or a new business?
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Despite all of de la Renta's gentlemanly, old-world fabulousness, he's also very much a modern man of the world, who would just as soon take a title from a tattoo as an engraved bracelet which is where Ilardo first saw the line.
In 1970 came the laying on of hands: a one-man show at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Of course, the conceit of the AC series has always been that you're a modern man named Desmond Miles, a member of the ancient Assassin's Guild, and that you're experiencing your assassin lineage through a machine called the "Animus" in order to save the world.
Sheikh Abdullah Bin Hussein al-Ahmar, who died in 2007, was one of the few Yemenis to command widespread respect -- a man often described as the father of modern Yemen.
Yet modern man engages in the sharing of tasks and in an extremely elaborate division of labour with strangers that is, with genetically unrelated members of his species.
" In his popular essay, "In Praise of Idleness, " the 20th century philosopher, Bertrand Russell, lamented modern man's loss of his capacity for play, seeing it as having been erased by the "cult of efficiency.
The U.S. perfect it with putting a man on the man, then with a series of modern high tech space shuttle missions and Mars ROVERS. But now, the final frontier captains are more likely to be Russians, with their hopes for a human Mars landing someday, or Chinese, with a new China space station due within the next 8 years.
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Also striking was an altogether more personal choice - to stop sounding like the man from Notting Hill - modern, liberal and metropolitan - and instead to highlight the values of a boy from Berkshire who believes in hard work, aspiration and in spreading the privilege which his upbringing gave him.
What is wrong with modern Western man that we make the same mistake over and over again?
In many ways, the young man and his friend were a modern dating couple, yet still bound by caste and tradition.
In very non-scientific terms, it can be described as a type of ape-man with anatomical similarities to the modern ape and the modern human.
But she will stress that the problems men and boys face are not receiving sufficient attention because - "like the film Fight Club - the first rule of being a man in modern Britain is that you're not allowed to talk about it".
This used the life of Alan Turing, a mathematical pioneer who broke the German Enigma codes and fathered the modern computer before running foul of the homosexuality laws in the 1950s, to examine how a man who had difficulty with ordinary human feeling devoted his life to creating a machine that could think and feel.
Coca-Cola, which has also heavily relied on Santa to bring cheer to holiday ads, is often credited with inventing the modern-day Santa we know today: jolly man, white beard, red suit.
Two things distinguished this, the longest-running Royal Commission in Australian history, from a succession of earlier inquiries into crime and corruption: modern technology, coupled with the tenacity of the man who presided over the commission.
Manchester United's landmark man completed one of the most sensational achievements in modern-day football in Moscow on Wednesday.
The lessons are in classical Chinese, which is as different from modern Man-darin as Latin is from today's Italian.
For a man accused of the largest leak of official secrets in modern times, the location could hardly be more apt.
Specifically, a well-worn hardcover copy of I Remember, the 1940 autobiography of a man named Abraham Flexner, whom few modern philanthropists have even heard of.
But it does involve a man and a woman on the road together and a modern-day form of robbery using online scams and bogus bank accounts.
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Habibie, he points out, is a modern man, an engineer and scholar who has spent years in the West.