The campaign is backed by a number of celebrities from the entertainment world and 500 people attended a fundraising dinner at Sunderland Football Club's Stadium of Light at the weekend.
The annual IBM Cyber Monday benchmark survey of 500 retailers revealed that the number of people who use a mobile device to visit a retail Web site jumped 11 percent between 2010 and 2011.
However, downloading tracks did lead to a significant drop in the number of singles being bought, with just 13% of the 500 people surveyed saying they went on to buy singles in shops after getting them on the internet.
The helpline set up by the Foreign Office has handled more than 500 calls and reunited a number of people, the foreign secretary said.
Jersey Tourism said the total number of people coming to the island between January and July this year was 24, 500, which was nearly 4% down on the same period in 2011.
The total number of people living with HIV in the UK rose to 96, 000, up from 91, 500 the previous year.
According to trade union Unison, the number of people working in local government has dropped 34, 500 since 2008.
Initial estimates that put the number of people caught up in the drama at more than 500 were inaccurate, they said.
The researchers said that meant the actual number of people with lung cancer could rise from 38, 500 to more than 41, 600 by 2024.
This survey, which measures the number of people working, showed a decrease of more than 7, 500 jobs in a year.
Profiles used in this study had anywhere from one to 500 likes on the social network, though the average number of things people liked was 170.
According to San Diego-based, investment firm Summit Global Management, the number of people served by investor-owned utilities is expected to rise 500% over the next 10 years.
Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy has said 500 people were killed in 2012, but whatever the precise number of fatalities, honesty from the media is needed for the best solutions to be found.
The number of people serving time for drugs has increased from 41, 000 in 1980 to 500, 000 today, or 55% of the population of federal prisons and 21% of those in state prisons.
The number of people claiming Job Seekers Allowance went down by 1, 100 from October to 139, 500 in November - 3, 100 fewer than the same period last year.
The number of people out of work and claiming benefit totalled 135, 200 in October - a rise of 500.
The claims are being brought by a number of Merseyside law firms, with Camps of Birkenhead acting for 4, 500 people.
"In the last year the number of people who are heterosexual and caught their HIV inside the UK has risen, there were 1, 500 cases, " he said.
Estimates of the total number of deaths linked to drugs and organised crime so far this year range from 1, 100 to 2, 500 people.