And the ordinary people of the area were equally sorry to hear the news.
"Bulgaria's financial stability has been built on the backs of the ordinary people, " says Mr Hristov.
All of these we gave, because he kept saying it was going to facilitate the lives of the ordinary people.
The ordinary people of the area were flushed out in the process.
He told tales of the Rangers, the paratroopers, the ordinary people who found in themselves, at such places as Omaha Beach, something extraordinary.
His secular opponents, meanwhile, would do better if they left their ivory towers and spent more time with the ordinary people of Turkey.
Most archaeologists would insist the true value of their work lies away from the glamour of kings and nobles and with the lives of the ordinary people of the past.
Koofi said that polling indicated that "the ordinary people of Afghanistan" were comfortable and in some cases favored female legislators -- and, perhaps more importantly, were supportive of women's issues.
Given what happened in Iraq less than 48 hours after his statement, the ordinary people of Kosovo must have been hoping that their leaders would take note of Mr Annan's prediction.
Most importantly, the ordinary people are behind this process.
QUIST-ARCTON: That is the great fear, not only amongst Chadians and Sudanese, the ordinary people, but amongst the U.S., which has been a really key observer in these talks, and the international community.
The best thing about football, he said once, was the ordinary people he met including those of Garforth, near Leeds in northern England, whose non-league team he coached for a chilly month in 2004.
Those who kill journalists must be brought to justice, lest fear paralyze both the media and the ordinary people who rely on professional journalists for the news and analysis that inform their political choice.
Mrs Aquino remains a local heroine, the chief character in a much-retold Philippine epic, in which the ordinary people rose up and, decked out in Aquino yellow, overcame the armed forces of the Marcos regime.
"The American people overwhelmingly voted last year for a change in our national priorities to put the interests of ordinary people ahead of the greed of Wall Street and the wealthy few, " Sanders said then, explaining his action.
And they show the world that ordinary people in the Middle East want the same things for their children that we want for ours -- a decent life and a peaceful future.
The ten ordinary people, who are also outstanding investors, profiled in my book are living proof that this works.
FORBES: Buy-And-Hold Vs. Active Investing: Which Do You Think Is Smarter?
America is a proudly popular civilisation: a country driven by the aspirations of ordinary people rather than the designs of elites, a country that holds celebrities in higher esteem than intellectuals, a country whose inhabitants measure their lives with rock songs.
In emerging markets such as China Japanese products are considered either over-engineered for the budgets of ordinary people, or lacking the baubles that delight the new rich.
But for any conservative party to find itself in the position of having to insist it is the party of ordinary people, not just the rich, is pretty poor.
Now, based on my research and experience producing my white-collar crime documentary, Crossing the Line: Ordinary People Committing Extraordinary Crimes the time period between being convicted and sentencing can span over a years time.
And we support political and economic reform in the Middle East and North Africa that can meet the legitimate aspirations of ordinary people throughout the region.
The two of us, she in her straw hat and I in my cargo shorts, seemed to me actors playing the part of ordinary people, enjoying a day at the lake.
At the heart of the competition were ordinary people slogging it out in one of the most grueling races of its kind in the world -- and all for charity.
George Papandreou, the opposition leader, has denounced the plan as an example of the state's capture by special interests, implying that the only hope of fighting back lies in the mobilisation of ordinary people, determined to save whatever remains of the country's pristine beauty.
The impact of the Cold War on the lives of ordinary people in Norfolk and Suffolk is to be researched by the University of East Anglia.
BBC: Cold War study looks at communities in Norfolk and Suffolk
One of the biggest problems was that the tables were tilted against ordinary people in the financial system.
Seattle-based filmmaker James Longley documents the lives of ordinary people--orphans, mothers, farmers, auto mechanics--struggling in some of the most violent and politically volatile regions in the world.
For several hours that day and on the day of the elections, we talked to ordinary people in the streets.
You can hear the hope and fears of ordinary people thinking about the Comprehensive Spending Review every evening this week on Evening Extra, on BBC Radio Ulster.