Note the stirring battle depicted in the Overture, where trumpets blare and drums pound frenzied, syncopated rhythms.
Luck, pluck and virtue prevail, a death sentence is lifted, and the irrepressible carnival spirit that drives the overture triumphs anew.
In fact, the resulting tube-like structure was but the overture to a major symphony of cat-related outdoor enclosures, a veritable pet Disneyland, if you will.
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Activists dismissed the overture and drew parallels to February, when then-President Hosni Mubarak offered reforms that they said weren't sincere and appeared designed to preserve his power.
President Assad has also reiterated his willingness to talk peace with Israel, though Israel rebuffed the overture, insisting that he should first expel Hamas and its ilk.
In the case of "Newlyweds, " it may well be that Bravo paid for the very expensive-looking weddings that conclude the introductory episode, which serves as the overture to an eight-episode series.
"When I sat down, he gave one of the most thrilling, impromptu dissertations on why the overture to 'Gypsy' is one of the most seminal pieces of American theater music, " Wright recalls.
The financial crisis that resulted from the bursting of the housing bubble, accurately foretold in my book, was not the crash itself, but merely the overture to a much more tragic economic opera for which the curtain is just now rising.
The MacArthur overture comes just a week after Peabody was tentatively tapped by the Mongolian government as one of the companies to develop its Tavan Tolgoi coal deposit.
To counter the uninvited overture, Overland implemented a poison-pill plan a week after Advanced Digital's announcement.
Valve is eschewing the sort of dramatic overture popular in the tech world, preferring instead to play a game of inches.
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If so, Facebook could be held over a barrel before any IPO in the way that Overture did with Google.
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In addition to the Internet taint, Overture suffers from fears that privately held Google--the dominant force in the search field--will run it out of business.
In the week following the purchase, Overture's shares fell about 30%.
If Apple really is trying to build bridges to NBC Universal, it's not the kind of overture that Jobs will want to broadcast in a keynote.
Yahoo: This is supposedly the suitor whose unsolicited overture got Hulu seriously thinking about a sale, according to the Los Angeles Times.
The president mastered an overture solo that claimed our attention and yielded a star.
Recently, Chihara grafted a new movement onto one of Schumann's lesser-heard works, the three-movement Overture, Scherzo and Finale.
Why Bush might be making an overture for the Marlins now could have a good deal to do with timing.
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In an overture to the Holocaust, the Nazis practised mass killings and ethnic cleansing in Poland in 1939 and 1940.
The journal is a book Douglas referred to in Magnificent Obsession, and which he actually wrote ten years later as an overture to the best seller because of the significant number of people who wanted to know what the journal actually contained.
So while Kerry told journalists on his trip that the U.S. was prepared to reach out, and even under the right circumstances make a grand overture to North Korea's leader, he stuck firm to the condition that North Korea must first show it's committed to denuclearization.
So is the biggest search outfit, Overture , a little-known billion-dollar vendor that provides unbranded search services for other Web sites and has sued Google, alleging patent infringement.
This overture comes as the probe intensifies into near-simultaneous car bombings May 12 in Saudi Arabia, with the FBI and other U.S. investigators aiding the Saudis.
So is the biggest search outfit, Overture (nasdaq: OVER - news - people ), a little-known billion-dollar vendor that provides unbranded search services for other Web sites and has sued Google, alleging patent infringement.
Humperdinck's opera is in three acts, and begins with a popular overture introducing many of the score's main themes.
Vajpayee refused to comment on Sharif's overture and, behind the scenes, India deftly prevented it from being referred to in any of the formal documents that emerged from the conference.
Its 73, 000 advertisers pay Overture when a user chooses the advertiser's offering.