We had a long conversation about the markets and the psyche of the rich.
The psyche is fragile so when bombarded with negative messages day after day, it believes them.
Society must also reflect on what war can do to the psyche of survivors.
Industry-specific recessions or other events creating short-term setbacks are easier on the psyche and occur more frequently.
Jung saw himself as an empirical scientist whose sole professional interest lay in the workings of the psyche.
And so I was interviewing him about what the psyche of our boys should be ahead of the match.
Chronic pessimism has sunk its teeth deep into the psyche of the people.
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We want to be seen as a winning nation, " said Jordaan, adding that the 2010 World Cup was "part of the psyche.
And there are some signs that the temporary shocks may have left a more lasting dent on the psyche of firms and shoppers.
Take a stroll around any drug store in the US and you will get a glimpse into the psyche of the average American.
Rather, it is more closely tied to the psyche of its owner, Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich, and his fixation with winning the Champions League.
The confidence report was jarring in what it revealed about the psyche of American consumers just a little over two months before Election Day.
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Making her American debut, in a production by the Sydney Theatre Company, Ms Blanchett hefts the viewer off to a parallel universe of the psyche.
In her terms, a myth may sometimes not be a mere delusion, but rather a fiction with the power to illuminate the workings of the psyche.
Many people had done this throughout history, she added, but what made her different was she was "successful": "I fit in with the psyche of the nation".
"It is well documented that participation in a major conflict ... has a way of leaving its mark on the psyche of our soldiers, " the Web site reads.
After the first Test, although the visitors dominated most of the match, the last day in Cardiff seemed to play havoc with the psyche of the young Australians.
The aptly-titled Ayn Rand and the World She Made provides new and illuminating insight into the psyche of one of the most influential philosophers of the last century.
The point here is that we are reading the most significant economic story of our time and its effect on the psyche of the people who should know better is minimal.
So too, I would guess, will be the effect on the psyche of a people who have lived with earthquakes for centuries and, recent troubles aside, have done so much with so little.
Here, where cars are not a necessity, the presence of unusual cars causes a stir and offer unique insight into the psyche of New Yorkers, compared to driving metropolises like Los Angeles or Atlanta.
To hear the bears tell it, the recent rise in commodities in general and oil in particular is starting to have an impact on corporate profits as well as the psyche and discretionary spending of consumers.
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Surely there was something locally interesting going on that people were talking about all over the Web -- something culturally relevant and noteworthy that could give us a deeper glimpse into the psyche and spirit of New York.
Philips Van Heusen Chief Marketing Officer Mike Kelly says that some aggressive research his crew conducted a few years ago showed that when it comes to the psyche of male fashion, the power of both sports and transportation is huge.
For New Orleans' mayor Ray Nagin, the psyche of the people is the most critical issue when it comes to recovering from a disaster like Katrina, which devastated more than 90, 000 square miles of land and claimed about 1, 800 lives.
Cell phones, however, were well-coded in the popular psyche by the time the iPhone came out.
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The Tea Party captured a fragment of the American psyche and the right very skillfully used that momentum to tell a new story about deficits and fiscal conservatism.
Looks and power matter, of course, but so does the internal psyche: The design of the blue instrument dials, the heavily bolstered sport seats and the overall feel of the cabin proved solidly well-made.
That ambivalence has been a part of American history, and part of the American psyche, since the beginning.
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" He deputizes himself as a tour guide to the human psyche, promising to find the triggers of sadness wherever they might lurk: "I will adventure to guess as near as I can, and rip them all up, from the first to the last, general and particular, to every species, that so they may be better described.