The idea is that the smaller the number of electors, the greater the relative advantage of siding with the winner.
And the relative advantage of being privately owned has no doubt risen at least somewhat in the past few years.
The fund offers investors a way to take advantage of the relative strength of emerging and developed Asian markets without taking on the risk associated with most emerging market funds.
But additional weakness in the dollar relative to the euro should work to the firm's advantage over the next few quarters.
Intellectual property is an area where America still has a competitive advantage relative to the rest of the world.
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Based on sheer size, MNOs will always gravitate toward consumers, but operators hold a more significant advantage in the enterprise relative to OTT players such as Apple, Google and Skype due to an ability to own the network.
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My proposal eliminates those payments, gradually reducing Medicare Advantage payments across the country relative to fee-for service Medicare in an equitable fashion (page 8).
Capital flows to where returns are highest, and Britain's relative advantage these days (think of the City) seems to be mainly in services.
And while England rarely hit the heights, they were maintaining their advantage in relative comfort until five minutes before half-time when West Ham United's Green suffered the lapse that will haunt him.
With roughly comparable income, the way parents try to give their children an advantage is to have fewer of them (relative to other families), so as to maximize the investment that can be made in each.
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Native apps will be designed to take advantage of their platforms' relative attributes -- the iPad having a different, more expansive layout than iPhone, for example.
Assume for example that real estate has a relative advantage over other asset classes or a superior return potential over the long term.
The other promise I made during the campaign was to ensure that our tax code doesn't provide relief and a competitive advantage to companies that move jobs and investment outside of the United States relative to companies that are investing here in the United States.
"They have an interest rate advantage, so if we look out five years, the value of the Korean won relative to the value of the dollar will probably be higher because we're just flooding the world with dollars, " he says.
When asked for his thoughts on Falkirk manager Steven Pressley's comments that clubs who tried to keep their accounts in the black were at an unfair advantage, Smith was keen to point out that it is all relative to a club's ability to service the debt that they accumulate.
With a modest investment in time and data collection, investors can use ETFs to surf those waves of capital, taking advantage of a well-known phenomenon in the markets called "momentum, " or "relative strength, " in which rising shares tend to keep rising for three months to a year after they start their run.