• Mull, of Virginia, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Career Minister, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Poland.

    WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Nominations Sent to the Senate

  • The United States has also concluded agreements with the governments of Poland and the Czech Republic that will allow the fielding of ten land-based interceptors and an X-band radar, respectively, in the two nations.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: America's commitment to freedom

  • Two of the newest members of the alliance, Poland and the Czech Republic, strongly supported missile defence.

    ECONOMIST: George Bush��s European tour

  • The Kremlin is especially upset over plans to install components of the missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic, both former Soviet Bloc countries that are now members of NATO and the European Union.

    NPR: Tensions Rise in U.S.-Russia Relationship

  • It is certainly not a model of diplomacy when the leaders of Poland and the Czech Republic are informed of such a decision at the last minute in midnight phone calls.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, the Czech Republic, bits of Poland, have long been part of our economic and cultural area.

    ECONOMIST: Wolfgang Sch��ssel, Austria��s steely chancellor

  • Wayne Hennessey, David Edwards and Sam Vokes are off to Denmark with the Welsh squad, while Andy Keogh and Kevin Foley link up with the Republic of Ireland to face Poland in Dublin.

    BBC: McCarthy faces up to anxious week

  • This means that, even if we accept the optimistic forecast provided by the Ukrainian government itself, the country would still be importing about 1, 850 billion cubic feet a year, more than the combined 2008 natural gas imports of Poland, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary (which are cumulatively about 1, 600 billion cubic feet of natural gas for a population of about 93.5 million).

    FORBES: No Matter what the Washington Post says, Ukraine Will Not be Energy Independent

  • Already nervous of furious Russian reactions over the U.S. missile defense plan, which involves the installation of bases in Poland and the Czech Republic, they have made clear they don't reckon it worth upsetting the Kremlin further on this issue.

    CNN: Moscow's growing influence over NATO

  • They are Cyprus, Estonia and Hungary, generally reckoned the best prepared of the bunch, together with the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovenia.

    ECONOMIST: Knocking on the Union��s door

  • The Bush-era proposal called for the United States to set up a radar site in the Czech Republic and 10 missile interceptors in Poland to counter the threat of Iran launching long-range missiles at America's allies in Europe.

    CNN: Obama scraps Bush-era missile defense for new plan

  • They include Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, the Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Switzerland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, and Vietnam.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefings

  • Certainly the Czech Republic appears at the top of the list, along with Hungary and Poland, as among the most visited, experienced and reliable destinations for cosmetic-surgery tourism among Europeans, Americans and nationals from other countries with rapidly growing middle classes.

    FORBES: Plastic Surgery, to Make the Most of Your Vacation

  • The controversy surrounding contamination of meat products has also affected firms in the Irish Republic and Poland.

    BBC: Horsemeat scandal: France summons meat industry chiefs

  • While the United States stands firm on limiting this round of expansion to Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic, the NATO official said a final decision will be made only after debate among the leaders of the NATO countries that could be preceded by a meeting of NATO foreign ministers Tuesday morning.

    CNN: Inviting New Members Into NATO

  • The comment followed similar statements from officials in Poland and the Czech Republic -- where key elements of the system were to be located -- but was the first confirmation from an American official.

    CNN: U.S. scraps missile defense shield plans

  • The centre-right opposition parties in Poland and the Czech Republic are both now pushing the idea of flat taxes set at 15%.

    ECONOMIST: The impact of central Europe's tax revolution

  • The controversy surrounding contamination of meat products has affected firms in the UK, the Irish Republic, Poland and France.

    BBC: School caterers 'confident' about meat supplies

  • But the pull-out of Spain, Honduras and the Dominican Republic, combined with wavering comments from Poland, Thailand, Kazakhstan and the Philippines, suggest this may not be enough.

    ECONOMIST: The calm is shattered

  • The UK, Poland and the Czech Republic have secured opt-outs from certain aspects of the charter.

    BBC: Civil Liberties Committee

  • Unless the way commission places are allotted is changed, then after the next wave of enlargement - possibly bringing in Poland, Hungary, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Solvenia.

    BBC: Europe: The issues

  • Russia has insisted on linking the arms control agreement to the controversial issue of a proposed U.S. missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic.

    CNN: Obama moves to bolster U.S.-Russia ties

  • By admitting the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland into the alliance several years ago, NATO gave these states that fundamental sense of security that comes from having concrete, formal ties to the West, which has been essential to the successes they have currently achieved.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • In practice only three can be certain of an invitation: Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary.

    ECONOMIST: Enlarging too far, too fast, could bust the alliance

  • The discovery of horsemeat traces in some beefburgers, which food standards authorities in the Irish Republic say they believe came from Poland.

    BBC: Magazine

  • Poland and the Czech Republic had based much of their future security policy on getting the missile defenses from the United States.

    CNN: U.S. scraps missile defense shield plans

  • When details of the horsemeat contamination scandal first broke in the Republic of Ireland on 16 January, Irish food processors claimed the contaminated meat products had been supplied by companies in Poland.

    BBC: Assembly told horsemeat fraud 'a real possibility'

  • When details of the horsemeat contamination scandal first broke in the Republic of Ireland on 16 January, Irish food processers claimed the contaminated meat products had been supplied by companies in Poland.

    BBC: Ulster Farmers' Union: Anger over horsemeat scandal

  • Then Bill Clinton declared he would support only Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic as new members of the alliance.

    ECONOMIST: France

  • The EPP did well, thanks to strong centre-right showings in some of the new members, including Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia.

    ECONOMIST: Unhappy voters send a message | The

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