Miklos Suth, Hungary's chief vet, dismisses the idea, pointing out that the poultry came from outside the restricted zone.
ECONOMIST: Avian flu
Home Secretary David Blunkett and Transport Secretary Stephen Byers have demanded an urgent report into how robbers accessed the restricted zone amid heightened security since 11 September.
BBC: Inquiry launched into Heathrow heist
He said that, once airborne, pilots would have to leave the restricted zone, which would take about 25 minutes, rendering it pointless for short helicopter flights or one-hour flying lessons.
BBC: Redhill airfield
As for federal steps, the Federal Aviation Administration says some flight restrictions are going into effect today, including renewed flight restrictions over sporting events, and some classes of small airplanes that had gotten waivers to fly in the 15-mile restricted zone around Washington will no longer be able to do so.
CNN: Jeanne Meserve: Cities respond differently to terror alert
However, fishermen are still restricted to a zone just three nautical miles off the coastline, which dramatically reduces their catches.
BBC: Keeping alive Gaza's culinary traditions