Having beaten Andy Murray en route to his first Grand Slam semi-final at this year's French Open and now overcome arguably the greatest tennis player of all time, the 6ft 5ins right-hander is building quite some reputation.
Is this a deliberate plan, do you want to try and create a Conservative Party that puts behind it thereputationof being extreme and right wing and that you're on a moderation course at the moment, to get across that you're sensible, reasonable and a credible future government?
Mann has every right to use the courts to protect his reputation, of course, but I do think he might heed the example of Oscar Wilde before he does so.
But with 14% ofthe stock, the chairman's position and a reputation for selling out when the price is right for him, Icahn isn't the perfect ally of small shareholders either.
You have to acquire a reputation as a person who produces just theright amount of money that people want, in particular money that does not depreciate and retains its exchange value.