They've applied for the water rights in seven rural valleys where cows and horses outnumber the rural population.
Better, wider roads have raised expectations among the rural population, too, and among those living close to the highways.
More than four-fifths of the rural population of 675m work on tiny plots.
Over half of the rural population is literate and the urban literacy ratio stood at almost three-fourth in the province.
It is the rural population, however, that makes the Chinese numbers so big, and selling to them is another matter.
So will the latest food security scheme aimed at providing subsidised food grains to 75% of the rural population and half of the urban households work?
The controversial project will more than double electrical output in Ethiopia, where less than two percent of the rural population has access to the grid.
Mr Putin has increasingly relied on the support of the rural population and industrial workers, as well as the 40% or so of the electorate who are elderly.
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In the last two decades, the rural population has decreased by a third to just 2, 675 people, with villages that once had populations of around 300 now housing 40 or fewer inhabitants.
With the largest rural population in the world, India is perhaps the primary market for the iSlate and similar products.
India has established dedicated satellite systems for education and tele-medicine delivery, which can reach even the most remote rural population.
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The UN blames the massive migrations from rural areas either on population growth that the countryside cannot sustain or on economic prescriptions said to emphasize commercial agriculture over small farming, thus driving the poor off the land.
Minorities, they point out, tend to vote Democratic, whereas the dwindling white, rural population is largely Republican.
He said the future challenge was to develop care models best suited to the county's rural population.
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The population in rural Kansas is shrinking, as family farms give way to industrial-sized farms that require fewer workers.
HarVa, a start-up that focuses primarily on skill development, community-based farming and microfinance for the population of rural India.
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In the past, it was rare for Chinese to leave their home regions, and four-fifths of the population was rural.
Where half the population of rural areas have no safe water.
On the domestic front, China's rural poor population has declined for the first time since the poverty line was raised in 2011, although poverty alleviation work remains arduous, Xinhua news agency reports.
Approximately one-half of the world's population lives in rural areas, according to the World Health Organization, and most of them usually lack trained health care workers.
At present, over two-thirds of Pakistan's parliamentary constituencies are rural, with the urban population supposedly still a minority.
The data analyzed showed that in some countries less than 50% of the secondary schoolage population in rural areas is attending school.
In this low-income country, with an economy based on agriculture, forestry and fisheries, approximately 60 per cent of the population still resides in rural areas.
UNESCO: Promoting Women��s Literacy in Angola and Mozambique
The area policed includes centres of population close to areas of significant rural landscape, shorelines along the North Sea and the Humber estuary.
Brazil, with its large rural population, is among the countries most severely affected by such protectionism.
It has yet to mean as much for the ill-educated, elderly and rural population.
Within the initiative of Joint Programme targeted at creation of new income generation opportunities and promotion of improved agricultural practices, 24 rural farmers and dehkhans (small farmers) in target areas were selected to form a network of agriculture extension agents (rural consultants) responsible for provision of consultancy services to rural population and solutions to the problems they might face in application of new agricultural practices.
Rural areas have 20% of the population but only 10% of the nation's doctors.
ZANU-PF party in the rural areas where nearly 70% of the population lives.
Rwanda has 899 doctors for a nation of 9.9 million, but only 185 are in rural areas, where most of the population lives.