For the past 25 years he served as Senior Research Scientist at ETR Associates in California, USA. Over his professional career, he published the most definitive systematic reviews on the effectiveness of sex, relationships and HIV education in schools and is widely recognised as the leading world expert on sex, relationships and HIV education curriculum standards.
The criticisms came as it emerged that the church plans to keep the issue of sex education in Scotland's schools under the spotlight by raising concerns at this year's General Assembly.
BBC: Kirk warns over sex education report
The tournament was seen by many as the perfect platform to promote safe sex and increase awareness and education about a disease that is, to a large degree, still a taboo subject in the region.
CNN: The World Cup's fight against AIDS: Fact or fiction?
Therefore, education on human rights and the dissemination of proper information, both theoretical and practical, play an important role in the promotion and respect of human rights with regard to all individuals without distinction of any kind such as race, sex, language or religion, and this should be integrated in the education policies at the national as well as international levels.
UNESCO: Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action
He advocated sex education as a way of reducing the number of unintended pregnancies that result in abortions.
CNN: McCain puts Obama on the spot in final debate
In 1986, he issued a frank report on AIDS, urging the use of condoms for "safe sex" and advocating sex education as early as third grade.
NPR: Koop, Who Transformed Surgeon General Post, Dies
The rights of parents to be provided with an education for their children which conforms with their "religious and philosophical convictions" could lead to disputes in areas such as sex education, suggested Ms Driver, "re-awakening the debate on Section 28".
BBC: Fairer funding call for schools
Nathan Schaefer, the executive director of the Pride Agenda, praised Ms. Quinn's work advocating for same-sex marriage and sex education, as well as her support for a transgender non-discrimination law.
WSJ: New York City Council Speaker Quinn Faces Resistance
When combined with an absence of customer education and a product that lacks the sex appeal of solar, building owners often overlook efficiency reserves as a source of revenue.
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