The economic and the social structure of the slum does not depend on these types of gangs.
The book is, at its heart, a tale of forbidden love, as well as being a commentary on life and the social structure of the times, especially among the aristocracy.
It's one reason that institutions such as the economy, the political system and the social structure haven't matured as quickly as they should have, given Mexico's advantages.
Otherwise, the social structure of badger groups broke down when some were killed, and the animals ranged further afield - infecting more cattle and leading to increased TB incidence.
BBC: Badger vaccine pilot planned by National Trust in Devon
By transforming the social structure through economic alliances, corporations and their partners in government and the nonprofit sector may be able to promote social change through aggressive corporate philanthropy and citizenship.
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Southerners also have a more highly developed sense of individualism because the social structure in the south is not graded into an infinite number of vocation-specific intermediate castes, as is the case in the north.
In Canada, where the social structure is similar, a recent report concludes that microfinance has failed to get off the ground because poor borrowers are wary of forming groups of mutual liability with one another.
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If an organization like MITRE, that does complex consulting, often for highly secret government projects, can structure an ecosystem that supports such collaborative consulting then surely most any kind of organization can thrive by creating the social structure that benefits all stakeholders, including their customers, employees, vendors and the media that covers their sector.
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But everybody talks about the structure of Social Security as if the structure of Social Security relates to how sustainable Social Security is.
According to these researchers, at any given time, each of us has around hundred pursuits, ranging from mundane aims, such as picking up toilet paper on the way home from work, all the way to lofty ambitions, such as changing the underlying social structure of the western world.
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Investigating the evolution of the lion social structure in such detail, Prof Packer and his team have had to look closely at the many theories for this lifestyle that have been suggested over the years, such as co-operative hunting, communal suckling of cubs and defence of young against attack.
Nagatomo believes women like her stay single because Japanese women have changed while the men and the surrounding social structure have not.
Yet all this is threatened by an epidemic which threatens to destroy the social and business structure of the country.
Both came to Washington full of rhetorical energy about the changes to be wrought in the social and economic structure of the nation.
His current research interests include the genetic influence on social behavior, the structure of global trade networks and the structure of Italian politics.
The mohajirs, who did not own land, and so consequently had no place in the traditional political and social structure, were now having their power-base in the civil service whipped from under them.
No laws or economic remedy can arrest social breakdown if the family structure fractures.
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Behind their impenetrable mountains, language, social structure and the whole way of life were distinct.
As a result, scientists know almost nothing about the species' habits or social structure.
For the class warriors of the left, fox-hunting is wrong because the structure of the hunt reflects ossified social hierarchies.
Then and there Lloyd George laid the foundations of the welfare state on which Labour later built a larger structure, according to the architecture of those two social liberals, Beveridge and Keynes.
Northwestern Europe's new social and economic structure consigned the vast majority of the population to miserably impoverished lives.
Even if the human brain were significantly different in structure and function the basics of behavior, action, social living were all evolved and inherited from all other living things.
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Although the deal was small, it is significant in that it was the first acquisition made by a real-estate company owned and operated by nonprofits and illustrates how organizations with a social mission can use the for-profit structure to advance their goals.
So things like tax deduction, things like fringe benefits that you get through your employer, the structure of government benefits, like Social Security, structurally, women of color are least likely to benefit from all of those types of wealth-building effects because of the types of jobs they have.
In addition, the government is due to review its structure of social charges, as well as its public-pension rules.
A-grade, would keep the present structure more or less unchanged but establish a Social Security Reserve Board (modelled on the Federal Reserve) empowered to diversify the Trust Funds' investments into private stocks and bonds, and with its operations removed from congressional and presidential budget presentations.
Is it diet, healthcare, social structure, even climate - and which is the most important?
And Oregon has a weak social structure, with many recent immigrants who lack the family and community ties to weather hard times.
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With his eye on Peru's social problems, Mr Toledo has pledged to reform the structure of government spending, raising education's share to 30% of the budget.