Indeed, this seems like precisely the sort of case where maybe customers and distributors ought not to have the final say.
Ironically, this is just the sort of criminal case that Paul Klebnikov himself would have jumped on.
But they are sort of the character, on the one we were talking about the lethal injection case, they sort of narrowly resolve the issue before the court, without creating big waves.
It struck me as the sort of worst-case rumor that gains traction in an atmosphere of extreme uncertainty and mistrust.
Although the direct financial effect of the first court decision was negligible, the case was a harbinger of the sort of trouble that McDonald's was to encounter throughout South Africa.
In the aftermath of the computer decontrol fiasco, Mr. Kloske (who was then awaiting Senate confirmation for his present position as Under Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration) promised to develop an interagency mechanism for eliciting and incorporating the views of technical and intelligence experts throughout the U.S. government with a view to avoiding the sort of problems that arose in the earlier case.
Sort of the best-case scenario is people continue slowly to buy homes.
One can only conclude that Kloske dissembled when he promised the Senate that he would create an interagency mechanism for eliciting and incorporating such experts' views so as to avoid the sort of problems that arose in the initial computer decontrol case.
So now, unless BP and Chesapeake can come to some sort of settlement, the case will go to trial, where a judge will hear all the evidence and determine, at last, whether Chesapeake owes BP a few million more.
FORBES: BP And Chesapeake To Fight In Court Over Land Deal Gone Sour
The high-profile bail hearing case has taken on the appearance of a sort of mini-trial.
WSJ: Lead Detective in Pistorius Case Pulled, After Facing Charges
Few gene-testing studies yield the sort of clear-cut results seen in the case of kras, Erbitux and Vectibix.
The reason this case of parliamentary "handbags" matters is that Norman was just the sort of MP David Cameron would have expected to promote at his next reshuffle.
As is usually the case in studies of this sort, the sample size was small (and therefore not as robust as might be desirable) and the result showed an association, rather than a definite, causal relationship.
In that kind of case, Justice Kennedy said they're rare, but that a federal court should reopen an old death row case and sort of rehear the evidence.
"If you have the right sort of reforms...which in this case ought to be means of making it easier for banks to be allowed go bust safely without causing problems for taxpayers or the wider economy, you should introduce them at the earlier possible opportunity, " said Andrew Lilico, from financial consultancy Europe Economic.
The second case is one where you have some sort of offline process and you are thinking of moving to an Internet-based service.
What matters in this case is that the White House has sort of tried to say that, well Abramoff just came to a few holiday parties.
That charge of the intention of making New Orleans a white majority city or dominated in a different sort of racial configuration that have previously been the case as something that has echoed since Katrina.
NPR: Politicians, Protesters Clash Over N.O. Housing Demolition
Whatever the case, it ends up turning into a sort of tribalism.
FORBES: There Is No God, There Is No Devil, And Innovation Is The Work Of Multitudes
Olson says that sort of generalized damage is not adequate to make the legal case: "If it does exist, it is damage to humanity in general, not to Massachusetts, " he says.
Indeed, the Polish case demonstrates the wisdom of refraining from the sort of bail-outs often recommended by those in the West motivated by such considerations as sentiment, short-term trade or domestic political benefits unless and until an actual transfer of political and economic power takes place.
And it is not necessarily the case that a diagnosis of depression always implies some sort of drug therapy to treat it.
Another of his operas, The Makropulos Case, is a sort time travel story, in which a magic formula lets the main character live for hundreds of years.
The poll question imposes exactly the sort of moral clarity that we may never be able to find in this case.
FORBES: Overstating Polarized Opinion in the Trayvon Martin Case
It's been a case of sort of jumping in and out of the vehicle and not really spending very much time in one place photographing.
Was there sort of a one team trying to make a case to keep something in the budget?
In the case of John XXIII, the smoke went from black to white to a sort of grey color and back to white again, Ridley recalled.
In either case, each spin valve reacts to only one sort of molecule, so the chips can search simultaneously for as many types of molecules as they have spin valves.
In the case ExxonMobil and their mid-western refineries, they are not interested in this sort of interaction, they want oil delivered in 60 days, they are not interested in speculation.
It remains to be seen if social media applications of this sort are a good value for advertising dollars, but if it is the case, Starz has a big headstart on their competitors.
FORBES: Starz Goes Big On Facebook To Promote Spartacus: Vengeance