She was flown from the South Pole to McMurdo Station, then on to Christchurch.
CNN: Rescue plane leaves Antarctica after picking up patient
The three images document changes from August to February in an area near the south pole.
Another distinct feature seen in the video is a massive circular structure in the south pole region.
So it was by no means certain that all will make it to the South Pole, he said.
Mr Wood, who celebrated his birthday this month, was about 250 miles (400km) from the South Pole earlier.
Growing up in Brooklyn, he dreamed of being Shackleton at the South Pole or Darwin on board the Beagle.
Similarly, earlier this year, I travelled to the South Pole to visit the various scientific bases installed in Antarctica.
It was one hundred years ago that Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen became the first man to reach the South Pole.
The plane was flying from the South Pole to an Italian base at Terra Nova Bay, Maritime New Zealand said.
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Rediscovered photographs of Captain Robert Falcon Scott's expedition to the South Pole have gone on public display for the first time.
LSST, unlike the South Pole Telescope, will be able to detect anything massive, not just stuff that once held hot gas.
Dr Carlstrom and his colleagues propose building an eight-metre-diameter radio telescope at the South Pole to search for such cold spots.
Last October, the U.S. Air Force rescued an American researcher who had suffered a suspected stroke while working at the South Pole.
CNN: Rescue plane leaves Antarctica after picking up patient
In 1911, Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen and his three companions became the first to reach the South Pole-- 35 days ahead of Capt.
Based on Palinkas' studies at the South Pole, the most stable individuals and those with the most stable relationships are middle-aged married couples.
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In 1979, an Air Zealand DC-10 flying from Auckland to the South Pole hit Mount Erebus in Antarctica, killing all 257 people aboard.
It has also been tried (albeit that the water in question was frozen) by putting detectors down a hole at the South Pole.
It seems that Garriott, who has been to the South Pole and the bottom of the ocean, is running out of adventures down here.
If selected he will be one of several wounded troops who will travel 330km (205 miles) across the frozen wastes to the South Pole.
On their journey to the South Pole, temperatures will range between -20 and -40C, and they will have to climb summits of up to 9, 000ft.
Argentina's latest claim, moreover, appears to include land and sea right down to the South Pole, to judge by the map filed with its submission.
After a month of fly-bys over the south pole, Lunar Prospector should be able to confirm the presence or absence of water once and for all.
The Twin Otter aircraft was flying from the South Pole to an Italian Antarctic base when its emergency beacon was activated at 10:00 GMT on Wednesday.
And, the panel said, there's another reason America needs this center: The South Pole is one of the best places on Earth to do scientific studies.
The tented refuge includes a living area furnished with a central warming stove, fur rugs, a library and maps of the South Pole in tribute to early Victorian explorers.
Before he flew to Antarctica on 16 November, Mr Wood predicted it would take 50 days to cover the full 680 miles (1, 094km) to the South Pole.
And when the Cold War started, the Soviets said they were going to set up a base at the South Pole, so the U.S. rushed there first.
The event held at Goldsmiths' Hall in London marked the return of the soldiers who had recreated the well-known Scott-Amundsen race to the South Pole one hundred years ago.
The South Pole Telescope could thus see 10 billion years into the past, and might turn up thousands of clusters more than enough to study the evolution of dark energy.
Mr Evans said that after trekking 120 miles across the South Pole his first shower in two weeks was an "absolutely incredible experience" and "made me feel human again".