The landlords reduce the rent, perhaps gain a piece of the Southern Cross equity as compensation and the company survives.
The DJs have since apologized, and "mutually decided" to go off the air for an undetermined period, Rhys Holleran, CEO of the Southern Cross Austereo media group, said Saturday during a news conference.
It now seems very apparent that the Southern Cross business model was built on the basis of short-term vested interests: those of its owners in the mid-noughties, and maybe those of its directors since then.
First, all the negative publicity surrounding Southern Cross is killing the company - because any uncertainty about it's future makes it harder for Southern Cross to persuade families and local authorities to place vulnerable elderly people in its homes.
The most troubling statement that the chairman of Southern Cross Christopher Fisher made on Radio 4's Today Programme this morning was that in any of its typical care homes with a capacity for 50 residents, Southern Cross makes a profit if 46 of the beds are occupied and a loss if occupancy falls to 43.
So Blackstone of the US created Southern Cross in its current shape, having disposed of the care-home group's properties.
Southern Cross also acknowledges that rival care home operators, such as Four Seasons and Bondcare, may want to take over the running of other Southern Cross homes where they are already the landlord.
That was certainly the case when we highlighted concerns with the now collapsed Southern Cross care homes.
And the network, Southern Cross Austereo, suspended all prank calls, pulled advertising and ordered a comprehensive review of relevant policies and process.
Now there is one company that is probably more important to the stability of Southern Cross and its residents than any other.
At best, the rubble of Southern Cross will survive as an outsourcer of back-office services, such as payroll, to a small collection of landlords.
FORBES: What Southern Cross Tells us About Privatising Public Services
The chairman of troubled care home provider Southern Cross has apologised for the "uncertainty and concern" caused by difficulties in the business, but has said that residents should not fear widespread programme of home closures.
The southern end of the Cross City line between Barnt Green and Bromsgrove is being electrified, said Network Rail.
Flights that were scheduled to cross the southern half of the area were delayed an average of 30 minutes, said Mark Duell of, a flight-tracking website.
The current expectation is that Southern Cross will survive, but massively slimmed down and trading under a different name.
Southern Cross, the troubled care homes provider, could be slimmed down to between 250 and 400 homes, from the current 751 homes, I have learned.
Both deleted their Twitter accounts and were taken off the air, but a Southern Cross Austereo spokeswoman said they had "expressed a desire to speak".
The twin pipelines that will deliver the oil and gas to the island's southern tip cross around 1, 000 rivers and streams, many of which are used by spawning salmon.
Southern Cross said that the landlords were still committed to providing continuity of care to its 31, 000 residents.
Liberal Democrat AM Peter Black asked an urgent question on the provision of care in Welsh Southern Cross care homes.
Even so, the interesting question is whether it would be rational to merge NHP and Southern Cross, to create a business with more flexibility to cope with unforeseen changes in the economic climate.
Most of the hundreds of homes to be removed from Southern Cross's control would continue to operate as care homes, but under new management.
Southern Cross is due to meet the government and its landlords on Wednesday for crucial talks about the future of the company, which is in financial difficulty.
BBC: Southern Cross relatives: I just don't want to move her
He was the first explorer to cross the Antarctic unsupported, and helped unearth the lost city of Ubar in southern Oman.
But it no longer owns Southern Cross, having floated it on the stock market in 2006.
Which is why a meeting on Wednesday between Southern Cross, its 80 landlords, the Department of Health and lenders is so vitally important.
However, the largest landlord, NHP, which owns 249 of Southern Cross's homes, is expected to stick with Southern Cross.
He said that no-one at Southern Cross had been stripping money out of the business, and their "complete priority" was to improve the standard of care and reduce the company's the borrowings.
After the forthcoming NHS reforms, will commissioning bodies awarding valuable contracts to health providers from the private sector be able to obtain assurances that the finances of these private healthcare companies are stronger than Southern Cross's.