We're in a more inter-connected world, more travel, news and rumours spread at the speed of light.
Large transactions have been hurtling around the globe at the speed of light for years.
That show aired four nights a week and burned out a the speed of light.
And the effect becomes more pronounced as you move faster and approach the speed of light.
One peculiarity of massless particles is that they have to travel at the speed of light.
Just as, if someone running begins to approach the speed of light, he grows unfathomably heavy.
Any new information will be digested by the market at the speed of light.
Traders these days are looking for an edge by trying to defeat the speed of light itself.
One dark side of the Internet is the ability to spread lies at the speed of light.
It certainly must be socially useless to have so much lightning-fast yacking traveling at the speed of light.
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While the speed of light in a vacuum cannot be exceeded, the speed in matter can be much slower.
Those instructions are sent via normal communications, which are limited to being no faster than the speed of light.
What does traveling at the speed of light really look like, and just how hot is the planet Mercury?
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An alternative universe will appear within ours, and start expanding at the speed of light, destroying us as it goes.
Since the speed of light through a cable is consistent, the difference is entirely in the length of its path.
Mr. Greenberg is the author of CRM at the Speed of Light, and a well known leader on this topic.
The latency cannot be less than the distance the electromagnetic signal has to travel divided by the speed of light.
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Not worrying about propulsion and working at the speed of light allows for precise engagement and the resulting low collateral damage.
Has the charge of the electron or the speed of light altered over time, or has some combination of effects occurred?
This is accomplished at the RHIC by colliding ions of gold into each other at speeds approaching the speed of light.
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They are finally governed by the speed of light--11.8 inches per nanosecond.
Even at the speed of radio (ie, the speed of light), a pulse will travel only a few millimetres in that time.
And in the science of optics, the fact that the speed of light is constant in a vacuum is taken for granted.
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She began to fill her lectures with tales of her out-of-the body experiences, including travelling through space at the speed of light.
If indeed the speed of light can be exceeded, the implications may be staggering, and all speculation about our energy future is off.
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At the speed of light, I can express my satisfaction or dissatisfaction about a brand to a large, attentive audience connected to me.
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Here's a central truth of our time: Talent and capital flash around the world at the speed of light in search of opportunity.
Far better to use a broadcast signal, which we can target at a specific star, and which moves at the speed of light.
While data and information move at the speed of light, tangible three-dimensional products are moving faster and in greater volumes than ever before.
After all, Einstein, in his special theory of relativity, had shown that time slows down for objects moving close to the speed of light.