In a mud compound in the village of Sherwangai, troops displayed some of the spoils of war.
BBC: Pakistan's hidden war
When the Catholic Habsburgs defeated the Protestant Palatine Elector Frederick V in 1620, they reduced Heidelberg Castle to ruins and carried off the contents of the library as spoils of war - by this time totalling over 3, 500 manuscripts and 13, 000 printed works - to the Vatican Library in Rome where they remain to this day.
BBC: A Point of View: Why didn't Harry Potter just use Google?
The irony here, if irony is the right word, is that the Turkish state that I was describing in "Spoils of War" I thought had changed.
NPR: Turkey's Censorship Could Harm Bid to Join EU
Here, Mr. Edsel works the phones, appealing to the better angels of veterans who are holding on to spoils of war, perhaps even trying to sell them.
WSJ: He Drills for Answers | Robert M. Edsel | Cultural Conversation by Joanne Kaufman
Mr. JOHN TIRMAN (Author, "Spoils of War"): Now it is some of these things that the state is objecting to, the insulting of Ataturk, the likening of him to Mussolini, the criticism of Turkey's extreme forms of nationalism.
NPR: Turkey's Censorship Could Harm Bid to Join EU