Were it not for the stray dogs, a visitor could be forgiven for mistaking the area for Silicon Valley.
It was like the stray dogs Lera had suddenly noticed all over the city, trotting around the market, lying curled up beside the heating vents in the metro underpasses.
Dime-size flies had moved in, a swarm of them in the heat, and a few of the neighboring stray dogs sat in the shade on the perimeter, waiting to clean up.
The number of stray dogs in the Mexican capital is estimated at about 120, 000.
Officials say that the problems caused by stray dogs last year were exacerbated by the fact that there was a lot of construction work going on.
He said -- he was referring to the stray cats and dogs in the health care legislation.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton
According to the Dogs Trust - which has a re-homing centre in Bridgend - the total number of stray dogs in Wales increased from 9, 482 in 2011 to 10, 230 in 2012.
Authorities in India's Uttar Pradesh state have ordered an investigation into the killing of 31 blackbucks by stray dogs at a zoological park in the city of Kanpur.
The large population of stray dogs has long been a problem in Mexico City, correspondents say.
Meanwhile, Indian F1 driver Narain Karthikeyan told the BBC that the circuit was "looking amazing" and that the problems caused by stray dogs had been over-exaggerated.
The charity, founded in 1892, looks after about 4, 500 stray dogs each year across the two sites and general manager Simon Price said a lack of space was the reason behind the proposed move from Digbeth.
Reports say a pack of stray dogs entered the zoo on Saturday night and attacked the blackbucks.
Stray dogs prowl the dusty streets, and a slender oil pipeline snakes alongside each major road, elevated on stilts, waist high, like an endless bannister.
Health officials say litter thrown on the street is often picked up by stray cows, pigs and dogs which may lead to the spread of diseases.
Recently, four people were mauled to death in a park, with stray dogs blamed for the incident.
Thousands of stray dogs live in the Mexican capital's streets and many are reportedly subjected to cruelty.
Thousands of refugees who came there to escape fighting in other parts of the country are eating stray cats and dogs, and drinking water from puddles.
In the area surrounding the stadium there is no shortage of stray dogs and stray cows.
Labour peer Lord Hoyle told peers that 83% of the public supported a compulsory scheme, whilst Liberal Democrat Baroness Parminter argued it would help local authorities deal with the "spiralling costs" costs of kennelling stray dogs.
If you look at the package that we've presented -- and there's some stray cats and dogs that got in there that we were eliminating, we were in the process of eliminating.
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About 4, 500 stray dogs a year are looked after by the charity, which was founded in 1892.
As vulture numbers decline, so stray dogs are becoming much more numerous, feeding off the increasing number of unattended animal carcasses.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Bird groups hopeful on vultures
The authorities also tried to tidy up the city by confining street vendors to back alleys and rounding up stray dogs.
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Northern Ireland ranked number one for the destruction of dogs with 6, 000 of its 11, 500 stray dogs put down last year.
"We detected between six to seven entry points through which dogs or other stray animals were able to intrude on the circuit, " Askari Zaidi told the BBC.
On the Big Island, where people use dogs for hunting wild pigs, many residents have at least five and some as many 30 dogs, says Debbie Crazatta, founder of the Kohala Animal Relocation and Education Service, which helps find homes for stray dogs.
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The state of the athletes' village has also come in for criticism, with complaints of flooding, rooms soiled by excrement and stray dogs sleeping on some beds.