"The tax code changes all the time, so it doesn't matter that much, " says Kevin Hassett , resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.
Many business owners, including Ms. Koletar, view third-party payroll management as necessary because they don't have the time to keep up with all the changes in taxes and other laws, and because the requirements are "overwhelming for a business like ours, " she adds.
These books, by demonstrating how language changes all the time, brought about some concessions on the part of the prescriptivists, notably the makers of the A.H.
Medical practice changes all the time, new drugs are introduced, so how can we select out the effects of more competition from the general improvement in the health service over time?
FORBES: How Can We Measure The Effectiveness Of Change In The Health Care System?
But it also comes from management gurus such as Gary Hamel, who, in The Future of Management, observes that technology changes and grows by leaps and bounds all the time, but corporate management has barely changed in 100 years.
FORBES: Transforming CIOs from Benevolent Dictators to Product Managers
He bought it recently and says he hasn't had time yet to make all the changes he wants to.
BBC: Newsbeat - Technology - 'Teen date' website faces criticism
"But we also found a lack of urgency in the Welsh government's progress which, at a time of stretched resources and radical changes in approach to the provision of all services by local health boards, concerned us greatly, " he said.
Two copies are in her home (the cabinet where the bottles of drugs are kept and on the bottom of her weekly dispenser), plus she and I each have a copy in our wallets, and I update all the doctors every time something changes.
And we put our businesses at risk from competitors who do take the time to slow down and assess what all these changes mean.
Indeed the opposite tendency is sometimes evidence: when society or the economy changes, ways of acting that used to work most of the time now may no longer work at all.
FORBES: Can Knowledge Be Collected? Lessons From The Health Sector
"You can't do any testing when Ebay changes its search technology and fees all the time, " says former Ebay seller and consultant Randy Smythe.
Like all changes, it takes time for the customers to feel it and provide changes to their perceptions.
With all of the legislative changes around compensation, this is a great time to talk with your shareholders about the year in review.
But overall, all involved are optimistic that the time is ripe to make the biggest changes to the nation's immigration laws in more than a quarter-century.
Unfortunately, people operate on human time scales and are simply incapable of discovering all of the information about a network that changes from hour to hour and turning that data into changes in the configuration of security devices.
The changes are all big, but perhaps the most interesting is that Facebook is becoming a real-time communication service.
"NO changes the properties of other parts of the brain's neural network at all kinds of different time scales, " he said.
This brief moment is all the time that the sensors inside will have to measure how the sample's electrical resistance changes, so Dr Brooks and his team have their work cut out to get good data.
If Romney does push through some version of the Ryan plan, then Republicans will own all the unpleasant changes, and will suffer at the ballot box, possibly for a very long time.