But the United States cannot force the two sides to agree, far less impose a settlement.
In recent months, the government has been putting pressure on the two sides to agree a voluntary code whereby copyright infringing sites could be blocked following an order from a judge, but without a lengthy case like the one we've just seen.
On a trip to the region last week, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell got the two sides to agree to complete seven straight days without violence -- to be followed by a six-week "cooling-off period" when the two sides would begin to implement confidence-building measures.
The agreement just reached to extend the CBA deadline for 24 hours is basically a step to see if the two sides can agree to extend it further.
The ability to see how much money was available convinced players to ask for less, and the ability to jointly define how revenue would be measured helped the two sides agree to linking salary cap levels to revenue levels.
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Briefly, members of the Communications Workers of America and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers voted to go on strike at Verizon Communications last week after the two sides were unable to agree over concessions regarding employee contributions to pension and healthcare costs.
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The official said that more senior level officials could be brought in if there are disagreements but that to date the two sides have been able to agree without bringing in those higher authorities.
The two sides also ought to agree on the dangers posed by al-Qaeda and its affiliates.
In an SEC filing, Tiffany said the two sides were unable to agree on a price for Tiffany to purchase the intellectual property rights of Peretti.
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The dispute over Mr Jaafari's leadership has poisoned Iraqi politics to the extent that, until a week ago, nearly three months after December's elections, the two sides could not even agree to convene the newly elected parliament by the constitutional deadline of March 15th.
In the latest tension over cable contract terms, 3.1 million Cablevision subscribers in New York and Philadelphia could lose access to broadcasts on FOX stations if the two sides do not not agree to terms by 12:00AM on October 16.
President Isaias said in July 1998 that this was not a matter of boundaries but of national pride and territorial integrity - it is hardly surprising the two sides have been unable to agree on a peace process.
The two sides did, however, agree to be separated by a demilitarised buffer zone.
China's Mr Zhu says the two sides broadly agree the yuan must continue to strengthen against the US dollar, but they differ on the speed of appreciation.
The two sides agree there is no way to prove without a doubt that the library's Bill of Rights belonged to Pennsylvania, so a discussion began on an agreement that would result in the document's public display.
Most of this is understood to be attainable, provided the two sides can agree on where the border should be.
Relations with Pakistan remain testy, over disputed Kashmir and over the missiles that the two sides are ready to deploy against each other (though they could still agree not to), yet India's outgoing government opened a dialogue with Pakistan that the incoming one wants to foster.
And Eric, I just want to understand, these two sides are trying to agree on how or who is going to run the Palestinian Authority?
Now they are talking to employers and unions about labour reforms, which they may impose if the two sides cannot agree.